
Nitrogen pools, cycling, and flow

Our research program:

  • Traces the transformation, movement, and fate of soil N compounds
  • Quantifies N-based indicators of soil health, and develop tools for soil health management
  • Contributes to understanding the role of soil organic N to the supply of bioavailable N for crops

Current projects include:

  • Benchmarking indicators of biological soil health by soil zone for field cropping systems
  • Developing methods for estimating depolymerization and mineralization supply rates for crops
  • Linking organic matter indicators of soil health for urban agriculture and tree health  

*Beta version of the scoring tool for biological indicators of soil health in Saskatchewan documents/betasoilhealthscoringtool.xlsx

We lead the Jarislowsky & BMO Research Chair in Regenerative Agriculture program at USask



Nitrogen use and recovery efficiency

Our research program:

  • Traces crop N uptake and allocation of fertilizer-derived and soil-derived N sources
  • Quantifies crop N removal and N return to soil
  • Contributes to understanding how crop phylogenetic and functional diversity influences N use efficiency across spatial and temporal scales

Current projects include:

  • Determining fertilizer recovery efficiency of specialty crops
  • Quantifying the variability in fertilizer N recovery of diverse wheat genotypes
  • Measuring the transfer of N from lentil to wheat production, and potential genetic variability 
  • Developing N budgets by rotation diversity 
We collaborate with geneticists and breeders via the ACTIVATing genomic initiative


Nitrous oxide emissions and losses

Our research program:

  • Measures N2O emissions via micrometeorological techniques and chamber methods
  • Contributes to understanding how agronomic management and edaphic factors influence N2O production and emission
  • Models N losses and N budgets 

Current projects include:

  • Operating the Greenhouse gas Towers for Agriculture (GreTA) research site at USask, using flux gradient methods to measure field-scale N2O fluxes year-round
  • Testing different 4R N management practices and rotation diversity on N2O emissions
  • Modelling N2O emissions on the Canadian Prairies 
We are a Western Canadian Hub for the Global N Centre, CanN2O NetworkClimate Smart Soils, and Solutionscapes initiatives