Research Assistants and Technicians
Olivia Otchere, Research Assistant

Olivia Otchere is the head Research Assistant. She has prior experience as a Research Technician and M.Sc. Student in Plant Sciences at the University of Saskatchewan, where she built skills in soil and nutrient cycling, greenhouse gas emissions and sustainable soil health practices. She brings expertise in project management, specifically in field work, lab analyses, data management, statistical analysis, in addition to organizational and leadership skills. She enjoys being a part of a dynamic and dedicated team of individuals working towards sustainable agriculture through contributions in scientific research.
Paige Fehr, Research Assistant

Jamie Taylor, Research Technician

Jamie is a senior Research Technician, and she brings several years of expertise in managing field trials and sustainable vegetable crop management. She currently works part-time as she runs her own farm and continues to suppport our reserach program.
Graduate Students
Laura Carruthers, PhD Student

I graduated in 2022 with a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture with a major in Crop Science from the University of Saskatchewan. Through my undergraduate studies and summer job opportunities, I developed a passion for sustainable farming systems and horticultural crops. I am currently a PhD student in Dr. Kate Congreves lab studying nutrient use efficiency of potato cultivars and nitrous oxide emissions. I also had the opportunity to spend time at the University of California Davis working with Dr. Amelie Gaudin’s lab to trace nitrogen through various cover crops in almond orchards using a 15N isotope tracer. Outside of school, I train and compete in Olympic weightlifting and enjoy paddleboarding, hiking, and travelling.
Daphnée Ferland, PhD Student

Rachelle McCannell, MSc Student

Iva Henry, MSc Student

Spencer Kutcher, MSc Student

I graduated with a major in Crop Science in 2023, and started a MSc in Sept 2023 with Drs. Kate Congreves and Kirstin Bett. I am interested in crop genetics and breeding, and my MSc thesis is exploring nitrogen transfer from lentil to wheat. I spend most of my days in the agricultural greenhouse or in the lab :) I enjoy reading and growing plants.
Dane Harder, MSc Student

Emily Anweiler, MSc Student

Emily Anweiler is set to have a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture degree, majoring in Environmental Science and minoring in Food and Bio-product Science. She is starting her Plant Science MSc program in January 2025, under the supervision of Dr. Kate Congreves. Having previous experience working as a summer student and research technician with this group, Emily found a passion for Plant Science research and decided to stick around. She is going to be taking over the Diverse Field Crops Cluster (DFCC) project, which is looking at GHG emissions from five specialty crops: carinata, camelina, flax, mustard, sunflower, and has a control crop of spring wheat. When Emily is not working or doing school, you can find her reading or playing with her dog, Sadie.
Graduate students
McAuley, Warren, M.Sc. Thesis "Effects of intercropping fababean with cereals and oilseeds on crop productivity and soil health" June 2023 (Co-Supervised)
Soudeh Farzadfar, Ph.D. Thesis "Role of cover crops in regulating nitrogen dynamics, productivity, and phytochemical quality in vegetable production systems" Dec 2022
Trang Phan, M.Sc. Thesis "Can enhanced efficiency fertilizers reduce nitrous oxide emissions without compromising yields?" Nov 2022
Olivia Otchere, M.Sc. Thesis "The impact of cover cropping on soil nitrogen availability, crop nitrogen use, and nitrous oxide emissions in a prairie potato-grain crop rotation" Apr 2022.
Athena Wu, M.Sc. Thesis "Developing a soil health testing protocol for arable cropping systems in Saskatchewan" June 2021.
Caio Taveira, M.Sc. Thesis "Tracing crop residue derived nitrogen into subsequent crops and nitrous oxide emissions", Apr 2020.