Kate Congreves

Nitrogen Cycling

My research program is focused on understanding nitrogen flows, cycling, and losses in crop production systems. The long-term vision is widespread implementation of sustainable nitrogen management, and the creation of regenerative agroecosystems that do not pose reactive-nitrogen threats to our environment. We study a diversity of cropping systems, including field crops, specialty crops, and horticultural crops.

Regenerative agriculture is an ecosystem-based approach to crop production—one that embodies reciprocity with the land by improving soil health, enhancing biodiversity, and reducing negative impacts of inputs like nitrogen. A promising strategy to design regenerative agroecosystems is the diversification of cropping systems, so understanding how diversification can tighten the nitrogen cycle is necessary. Our research elucidates the degree of, and mechanisms by which, diversification controls:

  • soil nitrogen transformations,
  • crop nitrogen uptake, and
  • nitrogen losses (including nitrous oxide emissions). 



  • Jarislowsky & BMO Research Chair in Regenerative Agriculture (2024-2028)
  • New Researcher Award from the University of Saskatchewan (2023)
  • USask Sustainability Faculty Fellowship (2022-2024)
  • Dean’s New Researcher Award of Excellence (2020) from College of Agriculture and Bioresources at USask
  • Professor of the Year (2021) from the Agricultural Students’ Association with the College of Agriculture and Bioresources at USask
  • Early Career Award, Canadian Society of Agronomy (2021)