Current teaching

  • During Fall 2024, I will be teaching Math 364: Number Theory

  • During Winter 2025, I will be teaching Math 164: Introduction to Linear Algebra as well as Math 362: Rings and Fields

If you are interested in either of these courses, or if you have any questions about them, please feel free to contact me at weekes (at) 

Past teaching

University of Saskatchewan

  • Winter 2024  Math 266: Linear Algebra II,  Math 362: Rings and Fields
  • Fall 2023  Math 164: Introduction to Linear Algebra
  • Summer 2023  Math 872: Representation Theory and Yangians (graduate course)
  • Winter 2023  Math 362: Rings and Fields, Math 872: Hopf Algebras and Quantum Groups (graduate course)
  • Fall 2022  Math 164: Introduction to Linear Algebra
  • Winter 2022  Math 362: Rings and Fields

University of British Columbia

  • Fall 2020  Math 253: Multivariable Calculus
  • Summer 2020  Math 100: Calculus
  • Winter 2020  Math 152: Linear Systems
  • Fall 2019  Math 253: Multivariable Calculus

University of Waterloo

  • Fall 2017  Math 135: Algebra for Honours Mathematics