Dr. Yen-Han Lin PhD, PEng
Professor Department of Chemical and Biological EngineeringB.Sc. (National Taiwan Institute of Technology) 1984 Ph.D. (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute) 1995
- Address
- 57 Campus Drive, Saskatoon, SK S7K 5A9, Canada
Research Area(s)
- Yeast physiology and metabolic pathway analysis
- Applied bioinformatics and protein-protein interaction network
- Ethanol fermentation and bioprocess development
List of recent refereed articles
- J. Yao, X. Huang, Y.-H. Lin, C-G Liu and F-W Bai "Online montoring lignocellulosic particles by focus beam reflectance measurement for efficient processing", Bioresouce Technology, 406 (2024) 131053.
- X. Huang, C-G Liu, and Y.-H. Lin "A novel explainable kinetic model for two-stage fermentation profile", Chemical Engineering Journal, 493:152745, 2024.
- S. Shen, Y.-H. Lin and C. Liu "Real-time microbial growth monitoring by combining microbial fuel cell based device with modified Nernst equation", Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, https://doi.org/10.1002/cjce.25114,2023.
- P. Teng and Y.-H. Lin "Designing a novel portable oxidation-reduction potential and microbial fuel cell-based sensor to monitor microbial growth", Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, https://doi.org/10.1002/cjce.25044,2023.
- G. Hassemer, L. Nascimento, Y.-H. Lin, and C. Steffans, A. Junges, and E. Valduga "Influence of redox potential on the accumulation of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) by Bacillus megaterium", Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00449-023-02889-y, 2023.
- Y. Wu and Y.-H. Lin* "Fermentation redox potential control on the 1,3-propanediol production by Lactobacillus panis PM1", Process Biochemistry, 114:139-146,2022.
- J. Guo, Y. Wu, T. Tanaka and Y.-H. Lin* “Development of redox potential-driven fermentation process for recombinant protein expression”, Biotechnology Letters, 43:99-103,2021.
- S. Feng and Y.-H. Lin* “Development of dissolved carbon dioxide-driven-and-controlled repeated batch fermentation process for ethanol production”, Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, https://doi.org/10.1002/cjce.23822, 2020.
- X. Huang, S. Yang and Y.-H. Lin* “Biodegradation of catechol by Pseudomonas fluorescens isolated from petroleum-impacted soil”, Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, https://doi.org/10.1002/cjce.23859, 2020.
- Y. Zhang and Y.-H. Lin* “Metabolic flux analysis of Saccharomyces cerevisiae during redox potential-controlled very-high-gravity ethanol fermentation”, Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry, 2019.
- X. Huang and Y.-H. Lin* “Reconstruction and analysis of a three-compartment genome-scale metabolic model for Pseudomonas fluorescens”, Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry, 2019.
- C. Liu, J. Qin and Y.-H. Lin* “Fermentation and redox pote ntial”, In: Angela Jozala (ed.), Chapter 2, Fermentation Processes, 2017.
- A. Thani, Y.-H. Lin*, P. Laopaiboon, L. Laopaiboon* “Variation of fermentation redox potential during cell-recycling continuous ethanol operation”, J Biotechnology, 239:68-75, 2016.
- C. Liu, X. Hao, Y.-H. Lin*, and F. Bai* “Redox potential driven aeration during very-high-gravity ethanol fermentation by using flocculating yeast”, Scientific Reports, 6:25763, 2016.
- C. Liu, L. Liu, Y.-H. Lin* and F. Bai* “Kinetic modeling for redox potential-controlled repeated batch ethanol fermentation using flocculating yeast”, Process Biochemistry, 50:1-7, 2015.
- S. Feng and Y.-H. Lin* “Ethanol fermentation under dissolved carbon dioxide control”, Energy Procedia, 61:2719-2732, 2014.
- Y.-H. Lin* and C. Liu “Process design for very-high-gravity fermentation”, Energy Procedia, 61:2725-2728, 2014.
- N. Khongsay, Y.-H. Lin*, P. Laopaiboon, and K. Laopaiboon* "Improvement of very-high-gravity fermentation from sweet sorhgum juice by controlling fermentation redox potential", J Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 45:302-307, 2014.
- C. Liu, Y.-H. Lin* and F. Bai "Global gene expression analysis of Saccharomyces cerevisiae grown under redox potential-controlled very-high-gravity conditions", Biotechnology J, 8:1332-1340, 2013.
- Y. Lin, W. Lee, K. Duan, and Y.-H. Lin "Ethanol production by simultaneous saccharification and fermentation in rotary drum reactor using thermotolerant Kluveromyces marxianus", Applied Energy, 105:389-394, 2013.
- C. Liu, C. Xue, Y.-H. Lin* and F. Bai* "Redox potential control and applications in microaerobic and anaerobic fermentations", Biotechnology Advances, 31(2):257-265, 2013.
- C. Liu, N. Wang, Y.-H. Lin* and F. Bai* "Very high gravity ethanol fermentation by flocculating yeast under redox potential-controlled conditions", Biotechnology for Biofuels, 5(61):1-7, 2012.
- S. Srinivasan, S. Feng and Y.-H. Lin* "Dissolved carbon dioxide concentration profiles during very-high-gravity ethanol fermentation", Biochemical Engineering J, 69:41-47, 2012.
- F. Yu and Y.-H. Lin* "Techno-economic evaluation of redox potential-controlled ethanol fermentation processes", J Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 43(6):813-819, 2012.
- S. Feng, S. Srinivasan and Y.-H. Lin* "Redox potential-driven repeated batch ethanol fermentation under very-high-gravity conditions", Process Biochemistry, 47(3):523-527, 2012.
- C. Liu, Y.-H. Lin* and F. Bai "Ageing vessel design and optimization for continuous very-high-gravity ethanol fermentation processes", Process Biochemistry, 47(1):57-61, 2012.
- W.M. Ingledew and Y.-H. Lin "Ethanol from starch-based feedstocks", In: Moo-Young M, (ed.) Comprehensive Biotechnology, 2nd Edition, 3:37-49, 2011, Elsevier.
- Y.-H. Lin*, J. Chang, K. Duan and P. Chang "Development of t50 and its application to evaluate very-high-gravity fermentation", J Bioscience and Bioengineering, 112(4):388-394, 2011.
- C. Liu, Y.-H. Lin* and F. Bai "A kinetic growth model for Saccharomyces cerevisiae grown under redox potential-controlled very-high-gravity environment", Biochemical Engineering J, 56(1-2):63-68, 2011.
- C. Liu, Y.-H. Lin* and F. Bai "Development of redox potential-controlled schemes for very-high-gravity fermentation", J Biotechnology, 153(1-2):42-47, 2011.
- Y.-H. Lin*, W. Chien, K. Duan and P. Chang "Effect of aeration timing and interval during very-high-gravity ethanol fermentation", Process Biochemistry, 46(4):1025-1028, 2011.
- C. Liu, Y.-H. Lin* and F. Bai "Ageing vessel configuration for continuous redox potential-controlled very-high-gravity fermentation", J Bioscience and Bioengineering, 111(1):61-66, 2011.
- J. Chang, Y.-H. Lin*, L. Huang and K. Duan* "The effect of fermentation configuration and FAN supplementation on ethanol production from sorghum grains under very-high-gravity fermentation", J Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 42(1):1-4, 2011.
- Y.-H. Lin*, W. Chien and K. Duan "Correlations between reduction-oxidation potential profiles and growth patterns of Saccharomyces cerevisiae during very-high-gravity fermentation", Process Biochemistry, 45(5):765-770, 2010.
- Y. Zhao and Y.-H. Lin* "Whole-cell protein identification using the concept of unique peptides", Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics, 8(1):33-41, 2010.
- K. Theerarattananoon, Y.-H. Lin* and D.-Y. Peng "Metabolic heat evolution of Saccharomyces cerevisiae grown under very-high-gravity conditions", Process Biochemistry, 43(11):1253-1258, 2008.
- M.A. Mahdavi and Y.-H. Lin* "False positive reduction in protein-protein interaction predictions using gene ontology annotations", BMC Bioinformatics, 8:262, 2007.
- M.A. Mahdavi and Y.-H. Lin* "Prediction of protein-protein interaction using the protein signature profiling", Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics, 5(3-4),177-186, 2007.
- T. Rajarathinam and Y.-H. Lin* "Topological properties of protein-protein and metabolic interaction network of Drosophila melanogaster", Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics, 4(2):80-89, 2006.
- Y. Zhao and Y.-H. Lin* "The development of an algorithm for the mass spectral interpretation of phosphoproteins", Proteomics, 5(4):843-845, 2005.
- Y. Zhao and Y.-H. Lin* "A proteomic tool for the protein identification from the tandem mass spectral data", Proteomics, 5(4):853-855, 2005.
- Y. Zhao and Y.-H. Lin* "The growth of Saccharomyces cerevisiae in a chemostat under high glucose conditions", Biotechnology Letters, 25(14):1151-1154, 2003.
- L. C. Ong and Y.-H. Lin* "Metabolite profiles and growth characteristics of Rhizobium meliloti cultivated at different growth rates", Biotechnology Progress, 19(3):714-719, 2003.
- Y.-H. Lin*, D. Bayrock and W. M. Ingledew, "Evaluation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae grown in a multistage chemostat environment under increasing levels of glucose", Biotechnology Letters, 24(6):449-453, 2002.
- Y Zhao and Y-H Lin* "Flux distribution and partitioning in Corynebacterium glutamicum grown at different specific growth rates", Process Biochemistry, 37:775-785, 2002.
- Y. Zhao and Y.-H. Lin* "Distribution of ATP and reducing equivalents in Corynebacterium glutamicum during amino acid resolution", Process Biochemistry, 37:1455-1461, 2002.
- Y.-H. Lin*, D. Bayrock and W. M. Ingledew, "Metabolic flux variation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae cultivated in a multistage CSTR fermentation environment", Biotechnology Progress, 17(6):1055-1060, 2001.