Below are the seminars that I have been involved in organizing, both current and past. If you are interested in receiving updates about the current seminars, please consult their web pages below or feel free to contact me at rayan (at)
- PIMS Geometry, Algebra, and Physics (GAP) Seminar, University of Saskatchewan and PIMS Network (co-organized with A. Weekes and C. Wendlandt), hybrid format
- quanTA Seminar, Centre for Quantum Topology and Its Applications (quanTA), University of Saskatchewan and PIMS Network, hybrid format
- Peter Scherk Lectures in Geometry, Centre for Quantum Topology and Its Applications (quanTA), University of Saskatchewan and PIMS Network, hybrid format
- Moduli Spaces Learning Seminar, University of Saskatchewan, May - August 2019
- Mathematics and Statistics Colloquium, University of Saskatchewan, September 2016 - August 2019 (co-organized with C. Franc and J. Rajchgot)
- Algebra, Geometry, and Number Theory (AGeNT) Seminar, University of Saskatchewan, September 2016 - August 2019 (co-organized with C. Franc and J. Rajchgot)
- Geometric Structures Laboratory (gLab), Fields Institute, Toronto, July 2013 - June 2014
- Quiver Varieties Reading Group / Seminar, University of Toronto, May 2012 - August 2014 (co-organized with J. Fisher)
- Symplectic Geometry Seminar, University of Toronto, January - December 2012
- Junior Geometry and Topology Seminar, Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford, October 2008 - September 2009