Dr. Phani Adapa PhD
Assistant Director, Global Institute for Water Security & Director of Operations, Global Water Futures, CFREF
- 306-966-2271
- Fax: 306-966-1193
- phani.adapa@usask.ca
- Google Scholar
- Global Institute for Water Security
- Global Water Futures
- Address
- National Hydrology Research Centre 11 Innovation Boulevard Saskatoon, SK S7N 3H5
Phani Adapa is the Assistant Director for the Global Institute for Water Security (GIWS), University of Saskatchewan (USask) and joined the institute in 2013. He is a certified Professional Engineer registered with the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Saskatchewan. Phani’s role is to assist with the day to day operations of the GIWS; provide project management and network management expertise; develop new and sustain existing collaborations with stakeholders, government agencies, non-governmental organizations, external funding agencies, industry partners; support internationalization efforts, assist and where required lead coordination and writing efforts for development of major grant applications; provide writing support; research facilitation; responsible for outreach and engagement efforts; and leverage existing funding to further the research vision of the GIWS.
Phani is also the Director of Operations for the for the $144 million Global Water Futures (GWF) program funded by the Canada First Research Excellence Fund (CFREF), USask (2016-present). As the Director of Operations, he is responsible for HR & Facilities, Communication, and Outreach portfolios, and also responsible for project and network management.
Before joining the GIWS, Phani was the Director of Research and International Relations with the College of Engineering, USask.
As part of his professional development, Phani has 32 refereed journal articles, 3 book chapters and have to his credit 29 conference proceedings/ presentations. He has been awarded the 2009 George Ira Hanson Post-Graduate Award for Energy Research. Also, his Ph.D. dissertation has been recommended for University graduate awards. The Canadian Society for Bioengineers has recognized his research contributions and bestowed him with their Ph.D. thesis award for 2012.
He served as the Vice-President Academic for the USask Graduate Students Association from 1999-2000. Also, he was elected as one of the five Canadian men’s cricket team selection committee members (2009-10), the President of Saskatoon Cricket Association (2005-10) and the Vice-President of Saskatchewan Cricket Association (2007-10).
- PhD, Chemical and Biological Engineering, University of Saskatchewan, 2011;
- MSc, Mechanical Engineering, University of Saskatchewan, 2001;
- BE, Mechanical Engineering, Pt. Ravi Shankar Shukla University Raipur, India, 1998
Research Administration & Facilitation
- Research Culture
- Internationalization
- Industry Collaboration
- Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
- Multi- and Trans-disciplinary Research
- Grant Facilitation – Inception to Implementation
- Development of Large Network Grant
- Project Management
- Network Management
- Research Promotion & Stakeholder Engagement
32 Journal Publications; 3 book Chapters; 29 Conference Presentations
32. Mupondwa, E.K., L. Xue, L.G. Tabil, S. Sokhansanj, and P.K. Adapa. 2015. Status of Canada's lignocellulosic ethanol Part I: Pretreatment Technologies, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 72(May):178-190. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.rser.2017.01.039
31. Mupondwa, E.K., L. Xue, L.G. Tabil, S. Sokhansanj, and P.K. Adapa. 2015. Status of Canada's lignocellulosic ethanol Part II: Hydrolysis and fermentation technologies, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews (in-press). DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.rser.2016.11.037
30. Emami S., L.G. Tabil, and P.K. Adapa. 2015. Effect of glycerol on densification of agricultural biomass. International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, 8(1): 64-73. DOI: 10.3965/j.ijabe.20150801.009
29. Emami S., L.G. Tabil, and P.K. Adapa, E. George, A. Tilay, A. Dalai, M. Drisdale, and L. ketabi. 2014. Effect of fuel additives on agricultural straw pellet quality. International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, 7(2): 92-100. DOI: 10.3965/j.ijabe.20140702.011
28. Emami, S., L.G. Tabil, L. Campbell, E. George, and P.K. Adapa. 2013. Densification of Heat Sensitive Protein/Fibre Biomass, Canadian Biosystems Engineering, 55: 3.19-3.28. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.7451/CBE.2013.55.3.19
27. Adapa, P.K., L.G. Tabil, and G.J. Schoenau. 2013. Factors affecting pellet quality and energy analysis of pelleting process. International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, 6(2): 1-12.
26. Li, X., E.K. Mupondwa, S. Panigrahi, L.G. Tabil, and P. Adapa. 2012. Life cycle assessment of wheat straw bales and densified wheat straw pellets in the Canadian Prairies. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 17: 420-431. Available online at: http://www.springerlink.com/content/q15j1582g7132741/fulltext.pdf
25. Mupondwa, E.K., X. Li, L.G. Tabil, P. Adapa, S. Sokhansanj, M. Stumborg, M. Gruber, and S. Laberge. 2012. Technoeconomic analysis of wheat straw densification in the Canadian Prairie Province of Manitoba. Bioresource Technology, 110: 355-363. Available online at: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0960852412001241
24. Adapa, P.K., L.G. Tabil, G.J. Schoenau, T. Canam, and T. Dumonceaux. 2011. Quantitative Analysis of Lignocellulosic Components of Non-Treated and Steam Exploded Barley, Canola, Oat and Wheat Straw using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, B1: 177-188.
23. Adapa, P.K., L.G. Tabil and G.J. Schoenau. 2011. Grinding Performance and Physical Properties of Non-Treated and Steam Exploded Barley, Canola, Oat and Wheat Straw. Biomass and Bioenergy, 35: 549-561.
22. Adapa, P.K., L.G. Tabil and G.J. Schoenau. 2010. Pelleting Characteristics of Selected Biomass with and without Steam Explosion Pretreatment. International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, 3(3): 62-79.
21. Adapa, P.K., L.G. Tabil and G.J. Schoenau. 2010. Physical and Mechanical Properties of Ground Non-Treated and Steam Exploded Barley, Canola, Oat and Wheat Straw. Journal of Powder Technology, 201: 230-241.
20. Adapa, P.K., L.G. Tabil and G.J. Schoenau. 2010. Compression Characteristics of Non-Treated and Steam Exploded Barley, Canola, Oat and Wheat Straw Grinds. ASABE Journal of Applied Engineering in Agriculture, 26(4): 617-632.
19. Adapa, P.K., L.G. Tabil and G.J. Schoenau. 2009. Compaction Characteristics of Barley, Canola, Oat and Wheat Straw. Biosystems Engineering, 104(2009): 335-344.
18. Adapa, P.K., L.G. Tabil and G.J. Schoenau. 2009. Compression Characteristics of Selected Ground Agricultural Biomass. Agricultural Engineering International: the CIGR Ejournal, Manuscript 1347 Vol. XI(June): 1-19.
17. Adapa, P.K., C. Karunakaran, L.G. Tabil and G.J. Schoenau. 2009. Potential Applications of Infrared and Raman Spectromicroscopy for Agricultural Biomass. Agricultural Engineering International: the CIGR Ejournal, Manuscript 1081 Vol. XI(February): 1-25.
16. Adapa, P.K., G.J. Schoenau, L.G. Tabil and A. Singh. 2007. Prediction of Hardness and Durability of Alfalfa Cubes Processed from Fractionated Sun-cured and Dehydrated Alfalfa Chops. Biosystems Engineering, 98(4): 430-436.
15. Adapa, P.K., G.J. Schoenau, L.G. Tabil, E.A. Arinze, A. Singh and A. K. Dalai. 2007. Customized and Value-added High Quality Alfalfa Products - A New Concept. Agricultural Engineering International: the CIGR Ejournal, Manuscript FP 07 003. Vol. IX. (June): 1-28.
14. Arinze, E.A., G.J. Schoenau and P.K. Adapa. 2007. Modelling the fractional drying and aerodynamic separation of alfalfa into leaves and stems in a rotary drum dryer. Drying Technology: An International Journal, 25(5): 785-798.
13. Adapa, P.K., A. Singh, G.J. Schoenau and L.G. Tabil. 2006. Pelleting characteristics of fractionated alfalfa grinds - Hardness Models. International Journal of Powder Handling and Processing, 18(5): 294-299.
12. Adapa, P.K., G.J. Schoenau, L.G. Tabil, S. Sokhansanj and A. Singh. 2006. Compression of fractionated sun-cured and dehydrated alfalfa chops into cubes - Specific Energy Models. Bioresource Technology, 98(2007): 38-45.
11. Dalai, A.K., G.J. Schoenau, D. Das and P.K. Adapa. 2006. Volatile organic compounds emitted during high temperature drying of alfalfa. Biosystems Engineering, 94(1): 57-66.
10. Adapa, P.K., G.J. Schoenau, E.A. Arinze and S. Sokhansanj. 2005. Fractionation of Alfalfa into leaves and stems using a three pass rotary drum dryer. Biosystems Engineering, doi:10.1016/j.biosystemseng.2004.12.003, PH - Postharvest Technology, 91(4): 455-463.
9. Adapa, P.K. and G.J. Schoenau. 2005. Recirculating heat pump assisted continuous bed drying and energy analysis. International Journal of Energy Research, DOI: 10.1002/er.1103, 29: 1-12.
8. Adapa, P.K., G.J. Schoenau, L.G. Tabil and S. Sokhansanj. 2005. Cubing characteristics of fractionated suncured and dehydrated alfalfa chops. Applied Engineering in Agriculture, ASAE Transactions, 21(4): 671-680.
7. Adapa, P.K., G.J. Schoenau, L.G. Tabil, S. Sokhansanj and A. Singh. 2005. Compression of fractionated suncured and dehydrated alfalfa chops into cubes - Pressure & Density Models. Canadian Biosystems Engineering, CSAE, 47: 3.33-3.39.
6. Adapa, P.K., L.G. Tabil, G.J. Schoenau and S. Sokhansanj. 2004. Pelleting characteristics of fractionated suncured and dehydrated alfalfa grinds. Applied Engineering in Agriculture, ASAE Transactions, 20(6): 813-820.
5. Arinze, E.A., G.J. Schoenau, S. Sokhansanj and P.K. Adapa. 2003. Aerodynamic separation and fractional drying of alfalfa leaves and stems - A review and new concept. Drying Technology, 21(9): 1673-1702.
4. Adapa, P.K., L.G. Tabil, G.J. Schoenau, B. Crerar and S. Sokhansanj, 2002. Compression characteristics of fractionated alfalfa grinds. International Journal of Powder Handling and Processing, 14(4): 252-259.
3. Adapa, P.K., G.J. Schoenau and S. Sokhansanj, 2002. Performance study of a heat pump dryer system for specialty crops - Part 1: Development of a Simulation Model. International Journal of Energy Research, 26: 1001-1019 (DOI: 10.1002/er.836).
2. Adapa, P.K., G.J. Schoenau and S. Sokhansanj, 2002. Performance study of a heat pump dryer system for specialty crops - Part 2: Development of a Simulation Model. International Journal of Energy Research, 26: 1021-1033 (DOI: 10.1002/er.835).
1. Adapa, P.K., G.J. Schoenau and S. Sokhansanj, 2002. Performance study of a re-circulating cabinet dryer using a household dehumidifier. Drying Technology an International Journal, 20(8): 1673-1689.
2. Pomeroy, J., DeBeer, C., Adapa, P., and Merrill, S. 2019. How Canada can Solve its Emerging Water Crisis. Website: https://theconversation.com/how-canada-can-solve-its-emerging-water-crisis-114046
1. Sandford, R., Smakhtin, V., Mayfield, C., Mehmood, H., Pomeroy, P., DeBeer, C., Adapa, P., Freek, K., Pilkington, E., Seraj, R., Boals, R., O’Grady, C., MacAlister, C., Phare, M., Miltenberger, M., Goodday, V., Levesque, A., Curry, A., Kun, K., Gouett, M., and M. Fisher. 2018. Canada in the Global Water World: Analysis of Capabilities. 34 pages. Website: http://inweh.unu.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/Canada-in-the-Global-Water-World-Analysis-of-Capabilities.pdf
3. Tabil, L.G., P.K. Adapa, and M. Kashaninejad. 2011. Biomass Feedstock Pre-Processing - Part 2: Densification. Biofuel’s Engineering Process Technology, Chapter 19, ISBN 978-953-307-178-7, Book edited by Marco Aurelio dos Santos Bernardes, Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica de Minas Gerais, Brasil, pages 439-464.
2. Tabil, L.G., P.K. Adapa, and M. Kashaninejad. 2011. Biomass Feedstock Pre-Processing - Part 1: Pre-Treatment. Biofuel’s Engineering Process Technology, Chapter 18, ISBN 978-953-307-178-7, Book edited by Marco Aurelio dos Santos Bernardes, Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica de Minas Gerais, Brasil, pages 411-438.
1. Adapa, P.K., G.J. Schoenau, L.G. Tabil and S. Sokhansanj. 2004. Fractional Drying of Alfalfa Leaves and Stems: Review and Discussion. Book Chapter-12 in “Dehydration of Products of Biological Origin”. Science Publishers/Oxford & IBH. Edited by Dr. A.S. Mujumdar.
2. Adapa, P.K. 2011. Densification of Selected Agricultural Crop Residues as Feedstock for the Biofuel Industry. Doctor of Philosophy Degree, Chemical and Biological Engineering, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK, Canada. Website: http://ecommons.usask.ca/handle/10388/etd-07292011-103519
1. Adapa, P.K. 2001. Performance Study of a Heat Pump Assisted Dryer System for Specialty Crops. Master of Science Degree, Mechanical Engineering, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK, Canada. Website: http://ecommons.usask.ca/handle/10388/etd-01082013-104857
Conference Presentations
29. Shahram, E., L.G. Tabil, and P.K. Adapa. 2013. Agglomeration of Heat Sensitive Protien/Fibre Biomass. CSBE Annual Meeting, Saskatoon, SK, Paper No. ####, July.
28. Shahram, E., L.G. Tabil, and P.K. Adapa. 2013. Effect of Fuel Additives on Agricultural Straw Pellet Quality. CSBE Annual Meeting, Saskatoon, SK, Poster No. 6, July 8.
27. Shahram, E., L.G. Tabil, P.K. Adapa and L. Ketabi. 2013. Effect of Glycerol on Densification of Agricultural Biomass. CSBE Annual Meeting, Saskatoon, SK, Paper No. 5, July 10.
26. Adapa, P.K., L.G. Tabil and G.J. Schoenau. 2013. Overall Energy Analysis for Post-harvest Processing and Densification of Agricultural Straw Residue. CSBE Annual Meeting, Saskatoon, SK, Paper No. 8, July 8.
25. Adapa, P.K., L.G. Tabil and G.J. Schoenau. 2012. Factors Affecting Pellet Quality and Energy Analysis of Pelleting Process. ASABE Annual International Meeting, Dallas, TX, Paper No. 1213377658, July 30.
24. Adapa, P.K., G.J. Schoenau and L.G. Tabil. 2012. Postharvest Processing and Densification of Selected Agricultural Straw as Feedstock for the Biofuel Industry. 2nd World Congress of Bioenergy (WCBE), Renewable Energy for Sustainability, Xi'an, China, April 25-28.
23. Adapa, P.K., L.G. Tabil and G.J. Schoenau. 2011. A Comprehensive Analysis on the Factors Affecting Densification of Barley, Canola, Oat and Wheat Straw Grinds. CSBE/SCGAB Annual General Meeting, Winnipeg, MB, Paper No. CSBE11-513, July 10-13, 2011.
22. Adapa, P.K., L.G. Tabil, G.J. Schoenau and S. Raamanathan. 2011. Determining the Lignocellulosic Composition of Agricultural Straw using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy. Annual General Meeting, Agricultural Biorefinery Innovation Network, Agricultural and Bioproducts Innovation Program, London, ON, January 10-11.
21. Adapa, P.K., L.G. Tabil and G.J. Schoenau. 2010. Densification of Agricultural Straw Grinds into Pellets. ASABE/CSBE North Central Intersectional Conference, College of Engineering, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK, Paper No. MBSK 10-406, October 7-9.
20. Adapa, P.K., L.G. Tabil and G.J. Schoenau (Invited). 2010. Agricultural Biomass as Feedstock for Biofuel Industry. Geography Colloquia, Department of Geography, University of Saskatchewan, September 17.
19. Adapa, P.K., L.G. Tabil and G.J. Schoenau. 2010. Feasibility Study on the Pelletization of Barley, Canola, Oat and Wheat Straw Grinds. ASABE Annual International Meeting, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, Paper No. 1009141, June 20-23.
18. Adapa, P.K., L.G. Tabil and G.J. Schoenau. 2010. Application of Infrared Spectromicroscopy to Characterize and Determine Spatial Distribution of Lignocellulosic Components in Agricultural Straw Pellets. CSBE/SCGAB the 17th World Congress of the International Commission of Agricultural Engineering (CIGR), Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, Paper No. CSBE100647, June 13-17.
17. Adapa, P.K., L.G. Tabil, G.J. Schoenau and A. Opoku. 2010. Pelleting of Agricultural Biomass with and without Pre-Treatment. 2nd Annual General Meeting, Cellulosic Biofuel Network Meeting, Agricultural and Bioproducts Innovation Program, Ottawa, ON, Poster No. 19, March 11-12, and Agricultural Biorefinery Innovation Network, Agricultural and Bioproducts Innovation Program, London, ON, March 15-16.
16. Adapa, P.K., L.G. Tabil and G.J. Schoenau. 2010. Compression Characteristics of Agricultural Biomass Subject to Pre-Treatment. 2nd Annual General Meeting, Cellulosic Biofuel Network Meeting, Agricultural and Bioproducts Innovation Program, Ottawa, ON, Poster No. 11, March 11-12, and Agricultural Biorefinery Innovation Network, Agricultural and Bioproducts Innovation Program, London, ON, March 15-16.
15. Adapa, P.K., L.G. Tabil and G.J. Schoenau. 2009. Grinding Characteristics of Selected Non-Treated and Steam Exploded Agricultural Biomass. ASABE/CSBE North Central Intersectional Conference, Student Union, South Dakota State University, Brookings, USA, Paper No. SD09-600, September 18-19.
14. Adapa, P.K., D. Nelson, L.G. Tabil and G.J. Schoenau. 2009. Compaction Characteristics of Non-Treated and Steam Exploded Barley, Canola, Oat and Wheat Straw grinds. ASABE/CSBE North Central Intersectional Conference, Student Union, South Dakota State University, Brookings, USA, Paper No. SD09-800, September 18-19.
13. Adapa, P.K., L.G. Tabil, G.J. Schoenau and D. Nelson. 2009. Compression Characteristics of Non-Treated and Steam Exploded Barley, Canola, Oat and Wheat Straw Grinds. ASABE/CSBE North Central Intersectional Conference, Student Union, South Dakota State University, Brookings, USA, Paper No. SD09-900, September 18-19.
12. Adapa, P.K., L.G. Tabil and G.J. Schoenau. 2009. Pelleting Characteristics of Selected Agricultural Biomass – Density and Energy Models. Biofuels & Bioenergy - A Changing Climate, IEA Bioenergy Conference, Vancouver, Canada, Poster No. 15, July 23-26.
11. Adapa, P.K., C. Karunakaran, L.G. Tabil and G.J. Schoenau. 2009. Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Lignocellulosic Biomass using Infrared Spectroscopy. CSBE/SCGAB Annual General Meeting and Technical Conference, Prince Edward Island, Paper No. CSBE09307, July 12-15.
10. Adapa, P.K., C. Karunakaran, L.G. Tabil and G.J. Schoenau. 2008. Application of FT-IR and FT-Raman Spectromicroscopy to Study Chemical Compound Characterization and Distribution in Agricultural Biomass - A Review. CSBE/ASABE 2008 Red River Inter-sectional Meeting at Hotel Holiday Inn, Winnipeg, Manitoba Paper No. RRV 08-603, Sept. 19-20.
9. Adapa,P.K., L.G. Tabil, G.J. and Schoenau, 2006. Municipal Solid Waste - A Review of Classification System. CSBE/ASABE 2006 North-Central Inter-sectional Meeting Sponsored by CSBE and ASABE Parktown Hotel Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, CANADA Paper No. MBSK 06-209, Oct. 5-7.
8. Adapa,P.K., L.G. Tabil, G.J. Schoenau, and S. Sokhansanj, 2005. Physical Properties of Cube from Fractionated Suncured and Dehydrated Alfalfa Chops. ASAE 2005 Annual International Meeting, Tampa Convention Centre, Tampa, Florida, Paper No. 056161, July 17-20.
7. Adapa,P.K., G.J. Schoenau, L.G. Tabil, S. Sokhansanj and B. Crerar, 2003. Pelleting of Fractionated Alfalfa Product. ASAE 2003 Annual International Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, Paper No. 036069, July 27-30.
6. Adapa, P.K., L.G. Tabil, G.J. Schoenau, and S. Sokhansanj, 2003. Value Added Processing of Dehydrated and Suncured Alfalfa, Soils and Crops Conference, University of Saskatchewan, February 17-18.
5. Adapa, P.K., L.G. Tabil Jr., G.J. Schoenau, S. Sokhansanj and J. Bucko, 2002. Compression and Compaction Behavior of Fractionated Alfalfa Grinds. ASAE/CSAE 2002 North-Central Intersectional Meeting Sponsored by ASAE and CSAE Parktown Hotel Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, CANADA Paper No. MBSK 02-206, September 27-28.
4. Adapa, P.K., J. Bucko, L.G. Tabil Jr., G.J. Schoenau and S. Sokhansanj, 2002. Pelleting Characteristics of Fractionated Suncure and Dehydrated Alfalfa Grinds. ASAE/CSAE 2002 North-Central Intersectional Meeting Sponsored by ASAE and CSAE Parktown Hotel Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, CANADA Paper No. MBSK 02-207, September 27-28.
3. Adapa, P.K., G.J. Schoenau and S. Sokhansanj, 2001. An Energy Efficient System for Drying High Quality Crops in Humid Climates. The Second International Conference on Renewable Energy and Environment Protection Technologies, Cairo, Egypt, November 5 – 8.
2. Adapa, P.K., G.J. Schoenau and S. Sokhansanj, 2001. Low temperature energy efficient drying using heat pump. The 27th Annual Conference of the Solar Energy Society of Canada, Inc., Regina, Saskatchewan, September 28 – 30.
1. Adapa, P.K., S. Sokhansanj, G.J. Schoenau, and B. Crerar, 2000. Heat pump assisted drying of specialty crops. The 2000 North central region intersectional meeting sponsored by the red river valley section of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers, Moorehead, Minnesota, Paper No. RRV00-506, September 29-30.