Dr. Jill E. Hobbs
Professor- Address
- Office 3E68, Agriculture Building
Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics, University of Aberdeen
M.A. in Economics, University of Calgary
B.Sc. (Econ) (Hons) in Economics, University of Wales-Aberystwyth
Research Area(s)
Supply chain economics; consumer behaviour; food policy
Distinguished Professor, University of Saskatchewan (2024)
Fellow, Canadian Agricultural Economics Society (2017)
Winner, Publication of Enduring Quality Award (2019) from the Canadian Agricultural Economics Society for my paper “J.E. Hobbs. 1996. A Transaction Cost Approach to Supply Chain Management. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 1 (2):15-27.
Winner, Publication of Enduring Quality Award (2016) from the Canadian Agricultural Economics Society for my paper “J.E. Hobbs. 1997. Measuring the Importance of Transaction Costs in Cattle Marketing. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 79(4): 1083-1095”
Recent Publications
Recent Books:
Clark, L.F. and J.E. Hobbs (2024). International Regulation of Gene Editing Technologies in Crops: Current Status and Future Trends, SpringerBriefs in Environmental Science, Cham: Springer Nature, 118pp. ISBN: 978-3-031-63917-3 (open access).
Roosen, J. and J.E. Hobbs (Eds). 2022. A Modern Guide to Food Economics, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham: UK, pp361. ISBN: 978 1 80037 204 7.
Hobbs, J.E., S. Malla, E.K. Sogah and M.T. Yeung. 2014. Regulating Health Foods: Policy Challenges and Consumer Conundrums Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., 266pp.
Brocklebank, A.M. J.E. Hobbs and W.A. Kerr. 2008. The North American Beef Industry in Transition: New Consumer Demands and Supply Chain Responses. New York: Nova Science Publishers Inc, 182pp.
Recent Journal articles:
Yang, Y., J.E. Hobbs, M. Fulmes, and S. Smyth. 2024. Signaling sustainability: Do Canadian consumers prefer broad or narrow food sustainability labels? Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics (published online June 2024).
Hobbs, J.E. and. J. Hadachek. 2024. The economics of supply chain resilience. Annual Review of Resource Economics (published online May 9 2024)
Holt, D., P. Slade, and J.E. Hobbs. 2024. Do consumers care about clean labels? Willingness to pay for simple ingredient lists and front-of-package labels on beef and plant-based burgers. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 72(1):5-21
Nolan, K. and J.E. Hobbs. 2023. Signaling origin: Consumer perceptions of Product of Canada and Made in Canada food labels. Journal of Food Products Marketing 29(5): 155-175.
Hobbs, J.E., S. Khorana, S., and M.T. Yeung. 2023. Moving beyond Least Developed Country status: Challenges of diversifying Bangladesh’s seafood exports. Aquaculture Economics & Management.
Yang, Y., J.E. Hobbs and D. Natcher. 2023. Consumer trust in Arctic foods certification. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review26(4): 763-778
Clark, L.F., J.E. Hobbs, M. Adde, C. Henry. 2023. Promising pulses: Interventions and constraints in chickpea supply chains in Ethiopia. Canadian Journal of Development Studies 44(2): 312-331.
Clark, L.F. and J.E. Hobbs. 2023. Missing the bigger picture? Integrating supply chains, consumers and agro-processors into crop improvement strategies in sub-Saharan Africa. Journal of Crop Improvement, 37(2): 229-252.
Hobbs, J.E. 2022. Food systems during the COVID-19 pandemic: vulnerabilities, adaptations, and resilience. CAB Reviews 17, No. 014.
Poizat A., S. Duvaleix, and J.E. Hobbs. 2022. How does transaction governance in the animal supply chain influence the reduction of antibiotic use? A study of the French young bull sector. Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, 44(4): 1890-1908.
Kerr WA and J.E. Hobbs. 2022. Is the quest to eat healthy a route to enhancing consumers’ food security. Agriculture & Food Security 11(1).
Hobbs, J.E. 2021. Food supply chain resilience and the COVID-19 pandemic: What have we learned?. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 69(2):189-196. **Top cited article**
Hobbs, J.E. 2021. The Covid-19 pandemic and meat supply chains. Meat Science 181 (November): Article No. 108459.
Yang, Y. J.E. Hobbs &, D.C. Natcher. 2020. The Arctic as a food producing region: Consumer perceptions and market segments. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 68(4):387-410..
Zmazhenko, T., E. Micheels and J.E. Hobbs. 2020. Openness in malting barley value chains: the case of adoption of new varieties in Canada and the United Kingdom. International Journal of Food Systems Dynamics. 11(4):340-359.
Hobbs, J.E. 2020. Food supply chains during the COVID-19 pandemic. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics (special issue) 68(2): 171-176 **Top cited article**
Yang, Y. and J.E. Hobbs. 2020. Food values and heterogeneous consumer responses to nanotechnology. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 68(3): 289-313.
Yang, Y., J.E. Hobbs, and D.C. Natcher. 2020. Assessing consumer willingness to pay for Arctic food products. Food Policy 92 (April), 101846.
Yang, Y, and J.E. Hobbs. 2020. The power of stories: Narratives and information framing effects in science communication. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 102(4): 1271-1296.
Yang, Y. and J.E. Hobbs. 2020.How do cultural worldviews shape food technology perceptions? Evidence from a discrete choice experiment, Journal of Agricultural Economics 71(2): 465-492
Yang, Y. and J.E. Hobbs. 2020. Supporters or Opponents? Will cultural values shape consumer acceptance of gene editing? Journal of Food Products Marketing 26(1):17-37.
Hobbs J.E. 2019. Heterogeneous consumers and differentiated food markets: Implications for quality signaling in food supply chains. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 67 (3), 237-249. (2019 Fellow’s Address to the Canadian Agricultural Economics Society).
Karamanos, V. and J.E. Hobbs and P. Slade. 2019. Consumer responses to private nutrition signals. Journal of Food Products Marketing 25(2): 111-136.
Clark, L.F. and J.E. Hobbs. 2018. Beyond the farm gate: Postharvest loss and the role of agro-processors in sub-Saharan African food security. International Journal on Food System Dynamics 9(3): 253-264.
Clark, L.F., J.E. Hobbs. 2018. Informational barriers, quality assurance and the scaling up of complementary food supply chains in Sub-Saharan Africa, Outlook on Agriculture (February 21), 1-8
Ugochukwu, A., J.E. Hobbs, P.W.B. Phillips and W.A. Kerr. 2018. Technological solutions to authenticity issues in international trade: The case of CITES listed endangered species. Ecological Economics 146 (April): 730-739.
‘Ochieng, B. and J.E. Hobbs. 2017. Factors Affecting Cattle Producers’ Willingness to Adopt an E. coli O157:H7 Vaccine: A Probit Analysis, International Food and Agribusiness Management Review 20(3):347-363
Ugochukwu, A. I., J.E. Hobbs, and J Bruneau. 2017. Determinants of wineries’ decisions to seek VQA certification in the Canadian wine industry. Journal of Wine Economics 12(1): 16-36.
Hobbs, J.E. and S. Mooney. 2016. Applications of Behavioral and Experimental Economics to Decision Making in the Agricultural, Food and Resource Sectors: An Introduction. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 62(4): 593-597
Forbes-Brown, S., E. Micheels and J.E. Hobbs. 2016. Consumer willingness to pay for dairy products with the “100% Canadian Milk” Label. Journal of International Food and Agribusiness Marketing.DOI: 10.1080/08974438.2015.1054542
Malla, S., J.E. Hobbs and E.K. Sogah. 2016. Estimating the potential benefits of new health claims in Canada: The case of soluble fibre and soy protein. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 64(2):173-197. DOI: 10.1111/cjag.12068
Ochieng’, B. and J.E. Hobbs. 2016. Incentives for cattle producers to adopt an E. coli vaccine: An application of Best-Worst Scaling. Food Policy 59: 78-87.
DOI: 10.1016/j.foodpol.2015.12.004
Lassoued, R., J.E. Hobbs, E.T. Micheels and D.D. Zhang. 2015. Consumer trust in chicken brands: A Structural Equation Model. Canadian Journal of Agricultural
Economics 63 (4):621-647.DOI: 10.1111/cjag.12082
Nakuja, T, M. Akhand, J.E. Hobbs and W.A. Kerr. 2015. Evolving US food safety regulations and international competitors: Implementation dynamics. International Journal of Food System Dynamics 6(4):259-268. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18461/ijfsd.v6i4.645
Ugochukwu, A., J.E. Hobbs, P.W.B. Phillips and R.Gray. 2015. An economic analysis of private incentives to adopt DNA barcoding technology for fish species authentication in Canada. Genome 58:559-567. dx.doi.org/10.1139/gen-2015-0033
Kerr, W.A. and J.E. Hobbs. 2015. A protectionist bargain?: Agriculture in the European Union-Canada Trade Agreement. Journal of World Trade 49(3):437-456.
J.E. Hobbs and E. Goddard. 2015. Consumers and trust. Food Policy 52 (April): 71-74. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foodpol.2014.10.017
R. Lassoued and J.E. Hobbs. 2015. Consumer confidence in credence attributes: The role of brand trust. Food Policy 52 (April): 99-107. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foodpol.2014.12.003
G. Gebreegziabher, L. Clark, J. Hobbs, H. Melgar-Quiňonez, R. Yada and M. Nickseron. 2015. Canada’s role in fighting global food/nutrition insecurities. Canadian Food Insights 3(2):39-41
J.E. Hobbs, S. Malla and E.K. Sogah. 2014. Regulatory frameworks for functional food and supplements. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 62(4):569-594.
J.E. Hobbs, W.A. Kerr and S. Smyth. 2014. The perils of zero tolerance: Technology management, supply chains and thwarted globalization. International Journal of Technology and Globalization 7(3):203-216.
S. Weseen, J.E. Hobbs and W.A.Kerr. 2014. Reducing hold-up risks in ethanol supply chains: A Transaction Cost perspective. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review 17(2): 83-106 (link to journal)
S. Malla, J.E. Hobbs and E.K. Sogah. 2014. Functional foods, health benefits and health claims. Athens Journal of Health 1(1):37-46 (link to journal)
J.E. Hobbs, W.A. Kerr and S.J. Smyth. 2014. How low can you go? The consequences of zero tolerance. Agbioforum 16(3):207-221
E. Goddard, J.E. Hobbs, B. Innes, P. Romanowska and A. Uzea. 2013. Risk perceptions and preferences for ethical and safety credence attributes. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 95(2):390-396.
A. Boecker, J.E. Hobbs, W.A. Kerr and M.T. Yeung. 2013. Traceability: Regulatory requirements and consumer acceptance, Invited contribution to Canadian Food Insights 1(1): 35-37
W.A. Kerr, H. Liu and J.E. Hobbs. 2012. A review of Chinese food safety strategies implemented after several food safety incidents involving export of Chinese aquatic products. British Food Journal 114(3):372-386.
J.E. Hobbs. 2011. Public and private standards for food safety and quality: International trade implications. Australian Farm Policy Journal 8(3):5-15 (Reprinted with permission of the Estey Journal of International Law and Trade Policy)
A. Uzea, J.E. Hobbs, and J. Zhang. 2011. Activists and animal welfare: quality verifications in the Canadian pork sector. Journal of Agricultural Economics 62(2):281-304.
B.G. Innes, W.A. Kerr and J.E. Hobbs. 2011. A private-public strategy for international marketing through collective Brands: Canada Brand foods. Journal of International Food & Agribusiness Marketing 23: 72-87.
B.G Innes and J.E. Hobbs. 2011. Does it matter who verifies production derived quality? Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 59(1):87-107.
J.E. Hobbs. 2010. Public and private standards for food safety and quality: International trade implications. Estey Journal of International Law and Trade Policy 11(1):136-152
Recent Book chapters:
J.E. Hobbs and J. Roosen. 2022. Health-oriented nutrition policies. In J. Roosen and J.E. Hobbs (Eds). A Modern Guide to Food Economics (Chapter 6) (pp112-143). Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham: UK.
Roosen, J. and J.E. Hobbs. 2022. Introduction to A Modern Guide to Food Economics. In J. Roosen and J.E. Hobbs (Eds). A Modern Guide to Food Economics (pp1-5). Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham: UK.
J.E. Hobbs, S. Malla and M.T. Yeung. 2021. Regulating health claims: An international comparison. In Caporale, C., Pavone, I.R. and Ragionieri, M.P. (Eds.) How Food Law Can Balance Health, Environment and Animal Welfare (Chapter 10) (pp. 187-211). Alphen an den Rijn, The Netherlands: Wolters Kluwer (Kluwer Law International BV). ISBN 978-94-035-1761-2
W.A. Kerr and J.E. Hobbs. 2021. Is NAFTA’s northern border thickening for agri-food products? In, G. Hale and G. Anderson (Eds.) Navigating a Changing World: Canada’s International Policies in an Age of Uncertainties (pp 430-452). Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press.
W.A. Kerr and J.E. Hobbs. 2021. Food safety and technical standards: Policy priorities for cross-border agri-food supply chains. In G. Hale and G. Anderson (Eds.) Canada’s Fluid Borders: Trade, Investment, Migration. Ottawa, ON: The University of Ottawa Press, Chapter 8, pp164-179.
J.E. Hobbs and W.A. Kerr. 2018. Healthier eating: policy challenges in improving consumers’ ability to choose. In Roberts, D.H. and Josling, T. (Eds). Handbook of International Food and Agricultural Policies – Volume II: Policies for Food Safety, Improved Nutrition, and Food Security. World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore. ISBN 9789813226319, Chapter 5, pp.85-109.
J.E. Hobbs. 2017. A three-tiered approach to the economics of hybrids: An application to the agricultural innovation sector. In Martino, G., Karantininis, K., Pascucci, S., Dries, L.K.E. and Codron, M.E. (Eds). It’s a Jungle out there – the Strange Animals of Economic Organization in Agri-Food Value Chains. Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, Chapter 3, pp.67-82.
J.E. Hobbs. 2016. Effective use of food traceability in meat supply chains. In M. Espineira,. and F.J. Santaclara (Eds). Advances in Food Traceability Techniques and Technologies: Improving Quality Throughout the Food Chain. Woodhead Publishing Series in Food Science, Technology and Nutrition: Number 301, Amsterdam: Elsevier, Chapter 17, pp.321-335.
ISBN: 978-0-08-100310-7 (print). ISBN: 978-0-08-100321-3 (online).
L.F. Clark and J.E. Hobbs. 2016. Ready-to-Use Foods (RUFs). In. P.B. Thomson and D.M. Kaplan (eds). Encyclopedia of Food and Agricultural Ethics. 2nd edition, Springer Netherlands, pp.1-8. doi:10.1007/978-94-007-6167-4_558-1.
M.T. Yeung and J.E. Hobbs. 2016. Regulating Health Foods. In P.B. Thomson and D.M. Kaplan (eds). Encyclopedia of Food and Agricultural Ethics. 2nd edition, Springer Netherlands, pp.1-9. doi:10.1007/978-94-007-6167-4_549-1
L.F. Clark and J.E. Hobbs. 2015. Innovations in food assistance strategies and therapeutic food supply chains. In A. Schmitz, P.L. Kennedy and T.G Schmitz (eds). Food Security in an Uncertain World (Frontiers of Economics and Globalization, Volume 15). Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. Chapter 8, pp.111-128. ISBN: 978-1-78560-213-9. eISBN: 978-1-78560-212-2.
J.E. Hobbs. 2014. The private sectors: MNEs and SMEs. In S.J. Smyth, P.W.B. Phillips and D. Castle (Eds). Handbook on Agriculture, Biotechnology and Development. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., UK: Cheltenham: 56-70.
J.E., Hobbs, S. Malla and T. Cybruk. 2014. Functional food innovation and health care cost savings: The case of CLA-enhanced milk. In Bohnet-Joschko, S. and Boutsioli, Z. (eds). Intercultural Dialogue on Health Economics, Management and Policy: Challenges and Chances. Athens, Greece: Athens Institute for Education and Research. pp.315-323. ISBN: 978-618-5065-26-3
J.E. Hobbs and W.A. Kerr. 2014. Costs, benefits and economic issues. In C. Batt and M-L. Tortorello (eds.), Encylopedia of Food Microbiology, 2nd Edition, Vol. 1, , Elsevier Ltd., Academic Press, pp.518-523.
J.E. Hobbs. 2014. Canada, US-EU beef hormone dispute. In Thomson, P.B. and D.M. Kaplan (Eds). Encylopedia of Food and Agricultural Ethics. SpringerLink.com 8pp. DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-6167-4_358-4
W.A. Kerr. and J.E. Hobbs. 2010. Agricultural trade and food safety. In M. Gattinger and G. Hale (eds.), Borders and Bridges: Canada’s Policy Relations in North America. Don Mills, Ontario: Oxford University Press. 344-360.
Current Teaching
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Useful links:
Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics. University of Saskatchewan
Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics
Canadian Agricultural Economics Society
Mailing address
Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics
University of Saskatchewan
51 Campus Drive (3D34.1)
SK S7N 5A8