Dr. Markus Brinkmann BSc, MSc, PhD
Associate Professor School of Environment and Sustainability, Director, Toxicology CentreMy research in exposure and risk assessment modelling focuses on uptake and effects of contaminants in aquatic organisms under realistic exposure scenarios. What is the influence of environmental and physiological factors and how can we predict these? How do findings from the lab translate to the field situation? What are the relevant parameters in the field, e.g. during flood events or as a result of global change? To answer these and other questions, I use computational models that are informed by experimental data and combine knowledge from different fields, including toxicology, environmental chemistry, and hydrology.
- Address
- Toxicology Centre, 44 Campus Drive
You can also find me on ResearchGate and Google Scholar!
Since October 2022 |
Director, Toxicology Centre |
Since July 2022 |
Associate Professor, School of Environment and Sustainability, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada |
August 2018 - July 2022 |
Assistant Professor in Exposure and Risk Assessment Modelling, School of Environment and Sustainability, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada |
Since August 2018 |
Faculty, Global Water Futures (GWF) Programme |
August 2016 – July 2018 |
Banting Fellow of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) at the Toxicology Centre and the School of Environment and Sustainability, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada |
April 2014 – July 2016 |
Leader of the team 'Experimental and Computational Fish Ecotoxicology' at the Department of Ecosystem Analysis, Institute for Environmental Research, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany |
October 2011 – July 2016 |
Research associate at the Department of Ecosystem Analysis, Institute for Environmental Research, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany |
September 2009 – October 2011 |
Graduate assistant at the Department of Ecosystem Analysis, Institute for Environmental Research, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany |
October 2007 – Juli 2009 |
Student assistant at the Department of Ecosystem Analysis, Institute for Environmental Research, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany |
February – October 2007
Student assistant at the Institute of Zoology, Department Aquatic Ecotoxicology (Prof. Dr. Thomas Braunbeck), lab of Dr. Henner Hollert |
October 19, 2015 |
Dr. rer. nat. (with distinction); thesis submitted on July 08, 2015; defense: October 19, 2015. |
April 2013 – October 2015 |
PhD fellow of the German National Academic Foundation ('Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes') |
Since April 2012 |
PhD research fellow at the Department of Ecosystem Analysis, Institute for Environmental Research, RWTH Aachen University, supervised by Prof. Dr. Henner Hollert |
August 01, 2011 |
Graduation in Ecotoxicology with distinction (MSc), thesis title: 'Uptake and effects of particle-bound polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) from sediment suspensions in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss, Walbaum)' supervised by Prof. Dr. Henner Hollert and Prof. Dr. Andreas Schäffer, Institute for Environmental Research, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany |
July 2009 – August 2011 |
Studies of Biology, then Ecotoxicology (MSc) at RWTH Aachen University, Germany |
July 24, 2009 |
Graduation in Biology (BSc), thesis title: 'A multiple biomarker approach to assess the toxicity of resuspended sediments' supervised by Prof. Dr. Henner Hollert and Prof. Dr. Hans Toni Ratte, Institute for Environmental Research, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany |
June – August 2009 |
Research internship in Saskatoon, Canada (University of Saskatchewan) funded by the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) of RWTH Aachen University, supervised by Prof. Dr. J.P. Giesy and Prof. Dr. Markus Hecker |
July 2008 – January 2009 |
ERASMUS exchange semester in Stockholm, Sweden (Stockholm University) and research internship at the ITM (Institute for Applied Environmental Sciences), Dept. for Ecotoxicological Test Methods (Prof. Dr. Magnus Breitholtz), finalized with a BSc equivalent thesis, title: 'Effects of STP effluents on development and reproduction of the harpacticoid copepod Nitocra spinipes - Are matrix population models adequate tools to evaluate data from lifecycle studies?' |
October 2007 – July 2009 |
Studies of Biology (BSc) at RWTH Aachen University, Germany |
October 2006 – October 2007 |
Studies of Biology (BSc) at Heidelberg University, Germany |
Research funding
2008 – 2009 |
Pathfinder project 'Floodsearch' supported by the Excellence Initiative of the German Research Foundation, co-investigator |
2009 – 2012 |
Boostfunds project 'Floodsearch II' supported by the Excellence Initiative of the German Research Foundation, co-investigator |
2009 – 2010 |
Dean’s seed fund project of RWTH Aachen University 'Ecotoxicological characterization of NSO-heterocyclic compounds', co-principal investigator |
2009 – 2010 |
'Investigation of the environmental impacts of slag blocks from copper industry as construction materials in federal waterways', German Federal Institute of Hydrology (BfG), co-investigator |
2013 |
German federal and regional-state soil conservation board (LABO) project 'Recommendations for analysis and assessment of sites contaminated with short-chained alkyl phenols and NSO-heterocyclic compounds', co-investigator |
2012 – 2015 |
German Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development: 'DioRAMA – Assessment of the dioxin-like activity in sediments and fish for sediment evaluation' (M39620304004) via the German Federal Institute of Hydrology (BfG), co-principal investigator |
2014 ‑ 2016 |
German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), Joint German-Israeli Water Technology Research Program: 'W³-Hydro – Water Quality Event Detection for Urban Water Security and Urban Water Management Based on Hydrotoxicological Investigations', co-investigator |
2016 |
'Correlation analysis of instrumentally and bioanalytically-derived sediment quality descriptors', German Federal Institute of Hydrology (BfG), co-principal investigator |
2016-2018 |
'Advancing chemical risk assessment through novel approaches in predicitve toxicology', Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship, principal investigator |
2016-2018 |
'Project house water: A novel interdisciplinary framework to assess the environmental and socioeconomic consequences of flood-related impacts', supported through the Excellence Inititive of the German Research Foundation, co-principal investigator |
2016-2020 |
'EcoToxChip: A toxicogenomics tool for chemical prioritization and environmental management', Genome Canada, study manager and science advisor |
2018-2023 |
'Combined hydrological, exposure and risk assessment models in support of environmental risk assessment', Global Water Futures (GWF) program, principal investigator |
2019-2021 |
'We need more than just water: Assessing sediment limitation in a large freshwater delta', Global Water Futures (GWF) program, co-investigator |
Personal awards
- Recipient of the 2016 Friedrich-Wilhelm-Award of the Friedrich-Wilhelm foundation, value: 1,000 €
- Banting Fellowship of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC)
- Borchers medal of RWTH Aachen University 2016 for oustanding doctoral graduates
- SETAC GLB Young Scientists Award 2016 for the best PhD thesis, value: 3,000 €
- PhD fellowship of the German National Academic Foundation ('Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes')
- SETAC GLB Young Scientists Award 2012 for the best MSc thesis, value: 1,000 €
- Springorum medal of RWTH Aachen University 2011 for completing the MSc degree with distinction
- SETAC GLB Award for the best platform presentation in 2011, third place
Student awards
- Stephanie MacPherson (BSc. Hons. Toxicology): 2019 Fisher Scientific Toxicology Undergraduate Seminar Awards, first place
- Saurabh Prajapatic (MSEM): 2019 MSEM Student Poster Competition, third place
- Ulyana Fuchylo (BSc Hons. Toxicology): 2018 Playle Award of the Canadian Ecotoxicity Workshop
- Ulyana Fuchylo (BSc Hons. Toxicology): 2018 Fisher Scientific Toxicology Undergraduate Research Awards
- Dissertation: Brinkmann, M. (2015) Uptake and effects of dioxin-like compounds in fish: in vitro–in vivo and cross-species extrapolation using physiologically based toxicokinetic models. Department of Ecosystem Analysis, Institute for Environmental Research, RWTH Aachen University. Download from RWTH Aachen University.
- MSc thesis: Brinkmann, M. (2011) Uptake and effects of particle-bound polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) from sediment suspensions in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss, Walbaum). Department of Ecosystem Analysis, Institute for Environmental Research, RWTH Aachen University. Download.
- BSc thesis: Brinkmann, M. (2009) A multiple biomarker approach to assess the toxicity of resuspended sediments. Department of Ecosystem Analysis, Institute for Environmental Research, RWTH Aachen University. Download.
- Swedish BSc thesis: Brinkmann, M. (2008) Effects of STP effluents on development and reproduction of the harpacticoid copepod Nitocra spinipes - Are matrix population models adequate tools to evaluate data from lifecycle studies? Institute for Applied Environmental Science (ITM), Stockholm University. Download.
Journal articles
- Brinkmann, M., Schneider, A.L., Bluhm, K., Schiwy, S., Lehmann, G., Deutschmann, B., Müller, s., Tiehm, A., Hollert, H. (2019) Ecotoxicity of NSO‐heterocycles (NSO‐HET) and short‐chained alkyl phenols (SCAP) commonly detected in contaminated groundwater. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, doi: 10.1002/etc.4423.
- Brinkmann, M., Barz, B., Carrière, D., Velki, M., Smith, K., Meyer-Alert, H., Müller, Y., Thalmann, B., Bluhm, K., Schiwy, S. (2019) Bioactivation of quinolines in a recombinant estrogen receptor transactivation assay is catalyzed by N-methyltransferases. Chemical Research in Toxicology, doi: 10.1021/acs.chemrestox.8b00372.
- Deutschmann, B., Müller, A.K., Hollert, H., Brinkmann, M. (2019) Assessing the fate of brown trout (Salmo trutta) environmental DNA in a natural stream using a sensitive and specific dual-labelled probe. Science of The Total Environment 655: 321-327.
- Hollert, H., Crawford, S., Brack, W., Brinkmann, M., Fischer, E., Hartmann, K., Keiter, S., Ottermanns, R., Ouellet, J., Rinke, K., Rösch, M., Ross,-Nickoll, M., Schäffer, A., Sch"th, C., Schulze, T., Schwarz, A., Seiler, T.-B., Wessels, M., Hinderer, M., Schwalb, A., (2018) Looking back - Looking forward: A novel multi-time slice weight-of-evidence approach for defining reference conditions to assess the impact of human activities on lake systems. Science of the Total Environment 626: 1036-1046.
- Apenova, N., Peng, H., Hecker, M., Brinkmann, M. (2018) A rapid and sensitive fluorometric method for determination of aldehyde oxidase activity. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 341: 30-37.
- Brinkmann, M., Hecker, M., Giesy, J.P., Jones, P.D., Ratte, H.T., Hollert, H., Preuss, T.G. (2018) Generalized concentration addition accurately predicts estrogenic potentials of mixtures and environmental samples containing partial agonists. Toxicology in Vitro 46: 294-303.
- Eichbaum, K., Brinkmann, M., Nuesser, L., Gembé, C., Ohlig, M., Buchinger, S., Reifferscheid, G., Hecker, M., Giesy, J.P., Hollert, H. (2017) In vitro tools for the toxicological evaluation of sediments and dredged materials: intra- and inter-laboratory comparisons of chemical and bioanalytical methods. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, DOI 10.1007/s11356-017-0094-z.
- Crawford, S. E., Cofalla, C, Aumeier, B., Brinkmann, M., Classen, E., Esser, V., Ganal, C., Kaip, E., Häussling, R., Lehmkuhl, F., Letmathe, P., Müller, A.-K., Rabinovitch, I., Reicherter, K., Schwarzbauer, J., Schmitt, M., Stauch, G., Wessling, M., Yüce, S., Hecker, M., Kidd, K. A., Altenburger, R., Brack, W., Schüttrumpf, H., Hollert, H. (2017) Project house water: a novel interdisciplinary framework to assess the environmental and socioeconomic consequences of flood-related impacts. Environmental Sciences Europe 29(1): 23.
- Steffens, S., Nüßer, L., Seiler, T.-B., Ruchter, N., Schumann, M., Döring, R., Cofalla, C., Ostfeld, A., Salomons, E., Schüttrumpf, H., Hollert, H., Brinkmann, M. (2017) A versatile and low-cost open source pipetting robot for automation of toxicological and ecotoxicological bioassays. PLoS ONE 12(6): e0179636. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0179636
- Koch, J., Bui, T., Lundström Belleza, E., Brinkmann, M., Hollert, H., Breitholtz, M. (2017) Temperature and food quantity effects on the harpacticoid copepod Nitocra spinipes: Combining in vivo bioassays with population modeling. PLoS ONE 12(3): e0174384. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0174384
- Xiao, H., Brinkmann, M., Thalmann, B., Schiwy, A., Große, B.S., Achten, C., Eichbaum, K., Gembé, C., Seiler, T., Hollert, H., 2017. Towards Streamlined Identification of Dioxin-like Compounds in Environmental Samples through Integration of Suspension Bioassay. Environmental Science & Technology, DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.6b06003.
- Koglin, S., Kammann, U., Eichbaum, K., Reininghaus, M., Eisner, B., Wiseman, S., Hecker, M., Buchinger, S., Reifferscheid, G., Hollert, H., Brinkmann, M. (2016) Toward understanding the impacts of sediment contamination on a native fish species: transcriptional effects, EROD activity, and biliary PAH metabolites. Environmental Sciences Europe 28:28.
- Brack, W., Dulio, V., Ågerstrand, M., Allan, I., Altenburger, R., Brinkmann, M., Bunke, D., Burgess, R.M., Cousins, I., Escher, B.I., Hernández, F.J., Hewitt, L.M., Hilscherová, K., Hollender, J., Hollert, H., Kase, R.,Klauer, B., Lindim, C., López Herráeza, D., Miègen, C., Munthe, J., O'Toole, S., Posthuma, L., Rüdel, H., Schäfer, R.B., Sengl, M., Smedes, F., van deMeent, D., van den Brink, P.J., van Gils, J., van Wezel, A.P., Vethaak, A.D., Vermeirssen, E., von der Ohe, P.C., Vrana, B. (2016) Towards the review of the European Union Water Framework management of chemical contamination in European surface water resources. Science of the Total Environment 576 (2017) 720–737
- Xiao, H., Krauss, M., Floehr, T., Yan, Y., Bahlmann, A., Eichbaum, K., Brinkmann, M., Zhang, X., Yuan, X., Brack, W., Hollert, H. (2016) Effect-directed analysis of aryl hydrocarbon receptor agonists in sediments from the Three Gorges Reservoir, China. Environmental Science & Technology. DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.6b03231.
- Werner, I., Aldrich, A., Becker, B., Becker, D., Brinkmann, M., Burkhardt, M., Caspers, N., Campiche, S., Chèvre, N., Düring, R.-A., Escher, B.I., Fischer, F., Giebner, S., Heye, K., Hollert, H., Junghans, M., Kienle, C., Knauer, K., Korkaric, M., Märkl, V., Muncke, J., Oehlmann, J., Reifferscheid, G., Rensch, D., Schäffer, A., Schiwy, S., Schwarz, S., Segner, H., Simon, E., Triebskorn, R., Vermeirssen, E.L.M., Wintgens, T., Zennegg, M. (2016) The 2015 Annual Meeting of SETAC German Language Branch in Zürich (7–10 September, 2015): Ecotoxicology and environmental chemistry—from research to application. Environmental Sciences Europe 28, 1-12.
- Michel, N., Freese, M., Brinkmann, M., Pohlmann, J.-D., Hollert, H., Kammann, U., Haarich, M., Theobald, N., Gerwinski, W., Rotard, W., Hanel, R. (2016) Fipronil and two of its transformation products in water and European eel from the river Elbe. Science of the Total Environment 568:171-179.
- Förstner, U., Hollert, H., Brinkmann, M., Eichbaum, K., Weber, R., Salomons, W. (2016) Dioxin in the Elbe river basin: policy and science under the water framework directive 2000–2015 and toward 2021. Environmental Sciences Europe 28:9.
- Eichbaum, K., Brinkmann, M., Nuesser, L., Buchinger, S., Reifferscheid, G., Codling, G., Jones, P., Giesy, J.P., Hecker, M., Hollert, H. (2016) Bio-analytical and instrumental screening of the uptake of sediment-borne, dioxin-like compounds in roach (Rutilus rutilus). Environmental Science and Pollution Research, DOI 10.1007/s11356-016-6377-y.
- Brinkmann, M., Schlechtriem, C., Reininghaus, M., Eichbaum, K., Buchinger, S., Reifferscheid, G., Hollert, H., Preuss, T.G. (2016) Cross-Species Extrapolation of Uptake and Disposition of Neutral Organic Chemicals in Fish Using a Multispecies Physiologically-Based Toxicokinetic Model Framework. Environmental Science and Technology 50:1914–1923.
- Brinkmann, M. & Koglin, S., Eisner, B., Wiseman, S., Hecker, M., Eichbaum, K., Thalmann, B., Buchinger, S., Reifferscheid, G., Hollert, H. (2016) Characterization of transcriptional responses to dioxins and dioxin-like contaminants in roach (Rutilus rutilus) using whole transcriptome analysis. Science of the Total Environment 541:412-423.
- Brinkmann, M. & Rizzo, L.Y., Lammers, T., Gremse, F., Schiwy, S., Kiessling, F., Hollert, H. (2016) Micro-computed tomography (μCT) as a novel method in ecotoxicology — determination of morphometric and somatic data in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Science of the Total Environment 543:135-139.
- Schulze-Sylvester, M., Heimann, W., Maletz, S., Seiler, T.-B., Brinkmann, M., Zielke, H., Schulz, R., Hollert, H. (2015) Are sediments a risk? An ecotoxicological assessment of sediments from a quarry pond of the Upper Rhine River. Journal of Soils and Sediments, DOI 10.1007/s11368-015-1309-x
- Schiwy, A. & Brinkmann, M., Thiem, I., Guder, G., Winkens, K., Eichbaum, K., Nüßer, L., Thalmann, B., Buchinger, S., Reifferscheid, G., Seiler, T.-B., Thoms, B., Hollert, H. (2015) Determination of the dioxin-like potential of single substances, complex mixtures and environmental samples in the Micro-EROD assay with H4IIE cells. Nature Protocols 10, 1728–1741.
- Brinkmann, M., Eichbaum, K., Reininghaus, M., Koglin, S., Kammann, U., Baumann, L., Segner, H., Zennegg, M., Buchinger, S., Reifferscheid, G., Hollert, H. (2015): Towards science-based sediment quality standards for dioxin-like compounds – effects of field-collected sediments in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Aquatic Toxicology 166:50-62.
- Brinkmann, M., Freese, M., Pohlmann, J.-D., Kammann, U., Preuss, T.G., Buchinger, S., Reifferscheid, G., Beiermeister, A., Hanel, R., Hollert, H. (2015): A physiologically based toxicokinetic (PBTK) model for moderately hydrophobic organic chemicals in the European eel (Anguilla anguilla). Science of the Total Environment 536:279-287.
- Müller, A.-K., Brinkmann, M., Baumann, L., Stoffel, M.H., Segner, H., Kidd, K.A., Hollert, H. (2015) Morphological Alterations in the Liver of Yellow Perch (Perca flavescens) from a Biological Mercury Hotspot. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, DOI: 10.1007/s11356-015-4177-4.
- Lundström-Belleza, E., Brinkmann, M., Preuss, T.G., Breitholtz, M. (2014) Population-level effects in Amphiascus tenuiremis: Contrasting matrix- and individual-based population models. Aquatic Toxicology 157:207-214.
- Eichbaum, K., Brinkmann, M., Buchinger, S., Reifferscheid, G., Hecker, M., Giesy, J.P., Engwall, M., van Bavel, B., Hollert, H. (2014) In vitro bioassays for detecting dioxin-like activity — Application potentials and limits of detection, a review. Science of the Total Environment 487:37-48.
- Brinkmann, M., Maletz, S.X., Krauss, M., Bluhm, K., Schiwy, S., Kuckelkorn, J., Tiehm, A., Brack, W., Hollert, H. (2014) Heterocyclic aromatic hydrocarbons show estrogenic activity upon metabolization in a recombinant transactivation assay. Environmental Science and Technology 48:5892–5901.
- Brinkmann, M., Eichbaum, K., Kammann, U., Hudjetz, S., Cofalla, C., Buchinger, S., Reifferscheid, G., Schüttrumpf, H., Preuss, T., Hollert, H. (2014) Physiologically-based toxicokinetic models help identifying the key factors affecting contaminant uptake during flood events. Aquatic Toxicology 152:38-46.
- Brinkmann, M., Eichbaum, K., Buchinger, S., Reifferscheid, G., Bui, T., Schaeffer, A., Hollert, H., Preuss, T.G. (2014) Understanding receptor-mediated effects in rainbow trout: in vitro-in vivo extrapolation using physiologically based toxicokinetic models. Environmental Science and Technology 48:3303-3309.
- Brinkmann, M., Blenkle, H., Salowsky, H., Bluhm, K., Schiwy, S., Tiehm, A., Hollert, H. (2014) Genotoxicity of Heterocyclic PAHs in the Micronucleus Assay with the Fish Liver Cell Line RTL-W1. PLOS ONE 9(1): e85692.
- Hudjetz, S., Herrmann, H., Cofalla, C., Brinkmann, M., Kammann, U., Schäffer, A., Schüttrumpf, H., Hollert, H. (2013) An attempt to assess the relevance of flood events—biomarker response of rainbow trout exposed to resuspended natural sediments in an annular flume. Environmental Sciences and Pollution Research, DOI: 10.1007/s11356-013-2414-2.
- Otte, J., Keiter, S., Faßbender, C., Higley, E.B., Suares Rocha, P., Brinkmann, M., Wahrendorf, D.-S., Manz, W., Wetzel, M.A., Braunbeck, T., Giesy, J.P., Hecker, M., Hollert, H. (2013) Contribution of Priority PAHs and POPs to Ah Receptor-Mediated Activities in Sediment Samples from the River Elbe Estuary, Germany. PLOS ONE 8(10): e75596.
- Kammann, U., Brinkmann, M., Freese, M., Pohlmann, J.-D., Stoffels, S., Hollert, H., Hanel, R. (2013) PAH metabolites, GST and EROD in European eel (Anguilla anguilla) as possible indicators for eel habitat quality in German rivers. Environmental Sciences and Pollution Research 21:2519-2530.
- Kathrin Eichbaum, K., Brinkmann, M., Buchinger, S., Hecker, M., Engwall, M., van Bavel, B., Reifferscheid, G., Hollert, H. (2013) The dioRAMA project: assessment of dioxin-like activity in sediments and fish (Rutilus rutilus) in support of the ecotoxicological characterization of sediments. Journal of Soils and Sediments 13:770-774.
- Brinkmann, M. & Hudjetz, S., Kuckelkorn, J., Yu, T., Cofalla, C., Roger, S., Kammann, U., Schüttrumpf, H., Hollert, H. (2013) How flood events affect rainbow trout: Evidence of a biomarker cascade in rainbow trout after exposure to PAH contaminated sediment suspensions. Aquatic Toxicology 128-129: 13-24.
- Zubrod, J.P., Jevtic, D.M., Melato, A.M., Englert, D., Weil, M., Brockmeier, E., Floehr, T., Knezevic, V., Agatz, A., Brinkmann, M. (2013) News from the SETAC Europe Student Advisory Council (April 2013) - the 3rd Young Environmental Scientists (YES) meeting at the Jagiellonian University, Poland. Environmental Sciences Europe 2013, 25: 16.
- Brinkmann, M., Hudjetz, S. Herrmann, H., Cofalla, C., Kammann, U., Hecker, M., Schüttrumpf, H., Schäffer, A., Hollert, H. (2012) Floodsearch: Hochwasser im Labormaßstab - Ökotoxikologie und Wasserbau arbeiten Hand in Hand bei der Hochwasserfolgenbewertung. Mitteilungen der GDCh Fachgruppe Umweltchemie und Ökotoxikologie, Ausgabe 4/2012.
- Zubrod, J.P., Jevtic, D.M., Melato, A.M., Agatz, A., Englert, D., Floehr, T., Knezevic, V., Weil, M., Brinkmann, M. (2012) News from the SETAC Europe Student Advisory Council - September 2012. Environmental Sciences Europe 2012, 24:27.
- Cofalla, C., Hudjetz, S., Roger, S., Brinkmann, M., Frings, R., Wölz, J., Schmidt, B., Schäffer, A., Kammann, U., Hecker, M., Hollert, H., Schüttrumpf, H. (2012) A combined hydraulic and toxicological approach to assess re-suspended sediments during simulated flood events—part II: an interdisciplinary experimental methodology. Journal of Soils and Sediments, DOI 10.1007/s11368-012-0476-2
- Schüttrumpf, H., Brinkmann, M., Cofalla, C., Frings, R.M., Gerbersdorf, S.U., Hecker, M., Hudjetz, S., Kammann, U., Lennartz, G., Roger, S., Schäffer, A., Hollert, H. (2011) A new approach to investigate the interactions between sediment transport and ecotoxicological processes during flood events. Environmental Sciences Europe 2011, 23:39
- Brinkmann, M., Kaiser, D., Peddinghaus, S., Berens, M., Bräunig, J., Galic, N., Bundschuh, M., Zubrod, J.P., Dabrunz, A., Liu, T., Melato, M., Mieiro, C., Sdepanian, S., Westman, O., Kimmel, S., Seiler, T.-B. (2011) The Second Young Environmental Scientist (YES) meeting 2011 at RWTH Aachen University - environmental challenges in a changing world, Environmental Sciences Europe 23:29
- Cofalla, C., Roger, S., Frings, R.M., Schüttrumpf, H., Brinkmann, M., Hudjetz, S., Wölz, J., Hollert, H., Gerbersdorf, S.U., Hecker, M., Kammann, U., Lennartz, G., Schäffer, A. (2011) Eine Methode zur Bestimmung der Wechselwirkungen zwischen Sedimentdynamik und Ökotoxikologie. Hydrologie und Wasserwirtschaft 11: 227-230.
- Peddinghaus, S., Brinkmann, M., Bluhm, K., Sagner, A., Hinger, G., Braunbeck, T., Eisenträger, A., Tiehm, A., Hollert, H., Keiter, S. (2012) Quantitative assessment of the embryotoxic potential of NSO-heterocyclic compounds using zebrafish (Danio rerio). Reproductive Toxicology 33: 224 - 232.
- Preuss, T.G., Brinkmann, M., Lundström, E., Chandler, T.G., Bengtsson, B.E., Breitholtz, M. (2011) A simulation study in support of current OECD test guideline development - Testing sensitivity of endpoints in harpacticoid copepod life-cycle tests using individual modeling techniques. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, DOI: 10.1002/etc.614
- Gerbersdorf, S.U., Hollert, H., Brinkmann, M., Wieprecht, S., Schüttrumpf, H., Manz, W. (2011) Anthropogenic pollutants affect ecosystem services of freshwater sediments: the need for a “triad plus x” approach. Journal of Soils and Sediments 11:1099-1114.
- Hinger, G. & Brinkmann, M., Bluhm, K., Sagner, A., Takner, H., Eisenträger, A., Braunbeck, T., Engwall, M., Tiehm, A., Hollert, H. (2011) Heterocyclic aromatic compounds are Ah receptor agonists in vitro. Environmental Sciences and Pollution Research 181297-1304.
- Brinkmann, M., Hallare, A.V., Hudjetz, S., Keiter, S., Seiler, T.-B., Wölz, J., Gerbersdorf, S.U., Cofalla, C., Roger, S., Schüttrumpf, H., Hollert, H. (2010) Toxicity and risk assessment of fluvial sediments and suspended matter: a short overview of past and recent developments in sediment toxixity assessment. Umweltwissenschaften und Schadstoffforschung 22: 651-655.
- Bundschuh, M., Zubrod, J.P., Galic, N., Dabrunz, A., Melato, M., Mieiro, C., Sdepanian, S., Westman, O., Liu, T., Kaiser, D., Brinkmann, M. (2010) 2nd SETAC Europe Young Environmental Scientists (YES) Meeting 2011 at RWTH Aachen University, 28 February till 2 March 2011. Umweltwissenschaften und Schadstoffforschung 22:509–510.
- Zielke, H., Seiler, T.-B., Niebergall, S., Leist, E., Brinkmann, M., Spira, D., Streck, G., Brack, W., Feiler, U., Braunbeck, T, Hollert, H. (2010) The impact of extraction methodologies on the toxicity of sediments in the zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryo test. Journal of Soils and Sediments, DOI 10.1007/s11368-010-0317-0.
- Brinkmann, M., Hudjetz, S., Cofalla, C., Roger, S., Kammann, U., Zhang, X., Wiseman, S., Giesy, J., Hecker, M., Schüttrumpf, H., Wölz, J., Hollert, H. (2010) A combined hydraulic and toxicological approach to assess re-suspended sediments during simulated flood events. Part I–multiple biomarkers in rainbow trout. Journal of Soils and Sediments 10:1347–1361
- Schneider, A., Brinkmann, M., Gerstner, A., Wölz, J., Heger, S., Weber, R., Engwall, M., Seiler, T.-B., Hollert, H. (2009) Assessment of dioxin-like toxicity in soils contaminated by a chloralkali process and a leblanc factory. Organohalogen compounds 71:2278-2282.
- Lundström, E., Brinkmann, M., Ek, K., Hollert, H., Persson J.-O., Breitholtz, M. (2009) Comparison of six different treatment technologies – population level responses in the harpacticoid copepod Nitocra spinipes. Aquatic Toxicology 96 (4): 298-307.
- Brinkmann, M., Brooks, A., Dabrunz, A., Gomez-Eyles, J.L., Van Hoecke, K., Kienle, C., Seiler, T.-B., Bundschuh, M. (2009) SETAC Europe 19th annual meeting, Gothenburg, Sweden: next step towards fulfilling students’ needs - Meeting report by the Student Advisory Council (SAC) of SETAC. Umweltwissenschaften und Schadstofforschung, DOI 10.1007/s12302-009-0077-x.
- Brinkmann, M., Brooks, A., Dabrunz, A., Gomez-Eyles, J.L., Van Hoecke, K., Kienle, C., Seiler, T.-B., Bundschuh, M. (2009) SETAC Europe 19th annual meeting, Gothenburg, Sweden: next step towards fulfilling students’ needs - Meeting report by the Student Advisory Council (SAC) of SETAC Europe. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, DOI 10.1007/s11356-009-0227-0.
- Brinkmann, M., Dabrunz, A., Seiler, T.-B., Kinele, C., Bundschuh, M. (2009) 1st Young Environmental Scientists Meeting (YES-Meeting) - New Challenges in Environmental Sciences. Umweltwissenschaften und Schadstoffforschung, 21:113–114.
- Bundschuh, M., Dabrunz, A., Bollmohr, S., Brinkmann, M., Caduff, M., Gomez-Eyles, J.L., Kinele, C., Melato, M., Patrick-Iwuanyanwu, K.-C.P., Van Hoecke, K., Seiler, T.-B., Brooks, A. (2009) 1st Young Environmental Scientists (YES) Meeting—New challenges in environmental sciences. A meeting report by the Student Advisory Council of SETAC Europe. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, DOI 10.1007/s11356-009-0158-9.
- Wölz, J., Cofalla, C., Hudjetz, S., Roger, S., Brinkmann, M., Schmidt, B., Schäffer, A., Kammann, U., Lennartz, G., Hecker, M., Schüttrumpf, H. & Hollert, H. (2008) In search for the ecological and toxicological relevance of sediment re-mobilisation and transport during flood events. Journal of Soils and Sediments, DOI 10.1007/s11368-008-0050-0.
Book chapters
- Brinkmann, M., Preuss, T.G., Hollert, H. (2016) Advancing In Vitro–In Vivo Extrapolations of Mechanism-Specific Toxicity Data Through Toxicokinetic Modeling. Book title: 'In vitro Environmental Toxicology - Concepts, Application and Assessment', Publisher: Springer International Publishing Switzerland, Editors: Georg Reifferscheid, Sebastian Buchinger, published as part of the series 'Advances in Biochemical Engineering / Biotechnology'.
Platform presentations
- Mangold-Döring, A., Grimard, C., Green, D., Hogan, N., Weber, L., Hollert, H., Hecker, M., Brinkmann, M. (2019) A Novel Multi-Species Physiologically-Based Toxicokinetic Modelling Approach in Support of Environmental Risk Assessment of Chemicals. SETAC Young Environmental Scientists Meeting, Ghent, Belgium.
- Schmitz, M., Müller, A.K., Crawford, S., Ganal, C., Brinkmann, M., Schüttrumpf, H., Hollert, H. (2019) Impact of endocrine disruptors from sediment during a simulated flood like event on rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). SETAC Young Environmental Scientists Meeting, Ghent, Belgium.
- Brinkmann, M., Mangold-Döring, A., Grimard, C., Green, D., Hogan, N., Weber, L., Hollert, H., Hecker, M. (2018) A Novel Multi-Species Physiology-Based Toxicokinetic Modelling Approach in Support of Ecological Risk Assessment. AGU Fall Meeting 2018, Washington D.C., USA.
- Green, D., Janz, D., Liber, K., Hogan, N., Alcaraz, A.J., Lane, T., Raes, K., Bluhm, K., Brinkmann, M., Hecker, M. (2018) Selenomethionine induced molecular toxicity in the fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas). SETAC North America Annual Meeting, Sacramento, USA.
- Baldwin, N., Alcaraz, A.J., Brinkmann, M., Masse, A., Crump, D., Basu, N., Hecker, M., Hogan, N. (2018) Linking transcriptomic responses to apical outcomes of chronic chlorpyrifos exposure in Xenopus laevis. SETAC North America Annual Meeting, Sacramento, USA.
- Fuchylo, U., Brinkmann, M., Alharbi, H., Hecker, M. (2018) Does inflammation facilitate permeation of organic chemicals through gill epithelia? Invited presentation, Canadian Ecotoxicity Workshop Meeting 2018, Playle Award Acceptance Speech, Vancouver, Canada.
- Brinkmann, M., Hecker, M., Bagatim, T., Codling, G., Hanson, S., Hogan, N., Hontela, A., Jones, P., Peng, H., Sarauer, B., Steeves, K., Wiseman, S., Giesy, J.P. (2018) A toolbox for aquatic impact assessment of municipal wastewater effluents (AIME). Invited presentation, 13th International Congress on the Biology of Fish, Calgary, Canada.
- Hollert, H., Buchinger, S., Reifferscheid, G., Hecker, M., Eichbaum, K., Brinkmann, M. (2018) Verbundprojekt dioRAMA - Erfassung Dioxin-ähnlicher Wirkung in Sediment und Biota zur Sedimentbewertung. Workshop Anwendung von Biotests in Sedimentmonitoring-Projekten. Invited presentation, Symposium “Bioassays as Methods for Assessing Water and Sediment Quality”, Ecotox Centre, Dübendorf, Switzerland.
- Nuesser, L., Steffens, S., Seiler, T.-B., Salomons, E., Schumann, M., Doering, R., Bruell, C., Schuettrumpf, H., Ostfeld, A., Hollert, H., Brinkmann, M. (2018) A versatile and low-cost open source pipetting robot for automation of toxicological and ecotoxicological bioassays. SETAC Europe Annual Meeting 2018, Rome, Italy.
- Doering, J., LaLone, C., Ankley, G.T., Villeneuve, D., Schroeder, A., Lucio, M., Stoeck, S, Brinkmann, M., Alcaraz, A.J., Currie, Z., Wiseman, S., Giesy, J.P., Hecker, M. (2017) Quantitative Adverse Outcome Pathways and their Utility in the Ecological Risk Assessment of Endangered Species. Special Session, SETAC North America Annual Meeting 2017, Minneapolis, MN, USA.
- Brinkmann, M., Alharbi, H., Wiseman, S., Sura, S., Morandi, G., Peng, H., Giesy, J.P., Jones, P.D., Hecker, M. (2017) In vitro assessment of pH-dependent uptake and toxicity of ionizable organic chemicals in fish. SETAC North America Annual Meeting 2017, Minneapolis, MN, USA.
- Gill, N., Hecker, M., Brinkmann, M. (2017) Towards improved methods for determination of aldehyde oxidase activity in fish. SETAC North America Prairie Northern Chapter Annual Meeting 2017, Saskatoon, Canada.
- Brinkmann, M., Hecker, M. (2017) Advancing Chemical Risk Assessment Through Novel Approaches in Predictive Ecotoxicology. Toxicology Centre 990 Seminar Series, January 6, University of Saskatchewan.
- Brinkmann, M., Hecker, M. (2017) Advancing Chemical Risk Assessment Through Novel Approaches in Predictive Ecotoxicology. January 2017, US-EPA Midcontinent Ecology Division.
- Brinkmann, M., Schlechtriem, C., Reininghaus, M., Eichbaum, K., Buchinger, S., Reifferscheid, G., Hollert, H., Preuss, T.G. (2016) Cross-species extrapolation of uptake and disposition of neutral organic chemicals in fish using a multispecies physiologically-based toxicokinetic model. Proceedings, SETAC North America Annual Meeting 2016, Orlando, FL, USA.
- Yokota Rizzo L, Freese M, Pohlmann JD, Brinkmann M, Gremse F, Michael S, Güvener N, Lammers T, Kiessling F, Hollert H, Hanel R, Marohn L (2016) Non-invasive imaging of the physiological bone demineralization during sexual maturation in European eels. World Molecular Imaging Congress 2016. New York City, USA.Yokota Rizzo L, Freese M, Pohlmann JD, Brinkmann M, Gremse F, Michael S, Güvener N, Lammers T, Kiessling F, Hollert H, Hanel R, Marohn L (2016) Non-invasive imaging of the physiological bone demineralization during sexual maturation in European eels. World Molecular Imaging Congress 2016. New York City, USA.
- Brinkmann, M., Eichbaum, K., Buchinger, S., Reifferscheid, G., Hollert, H. (2016) Effekte Dioxin-ähnlicher Schadstoffe in Fischen: In vitro-in vivo und interspezies-Extrapolation mithilfe von physiologisch basierten toxikokinetischen Modellen. Kolloquium „Ergebnisse und Schlussfolgerungen aus Forschungsprojekten über schadstoffbelastete Feinsedimente“, German Federal Institute of Hydrology, Koblenz, Germany, 02.-03. March 2016.
- Brinkmann, M. & Hollert, H. (2015) German experiences on ecological remediation of polluted rivers. Sino-German Conference on Water Treatment Technology and Management, 21.-22. Oktober 2015, Hangzhou, China.
- Brinkmann, M., Eichbaum, K., Buchinger, S., Reifferscheid, G., Hollert, H. (2015) Ergebnisse des Projektes DioRAMA – Erfassung Dioxin-ähnlicher Wirkung in Sediment und Biota zur Sedimentbewertung. Proceedings, SETAC GLB Annual Meeting 2015, Zürich.
- Koglin, S., Brinkmann, M., Eisner, B., Wiseman, S., Hecker, M., Eichbaum, K., Thalmann, B., Buchinger, S., Reifferscheid, G. Hollert, H. (2015) Characterization of transcriptional responses to dioxins and dioxin-like contaminants in roach (Rutilus rutilus) using whole transcriptome analysis. Proceedings, SETAC GLB Annual Meeting 2015, Zürich, Switzerland.
- Müller, A., Schneider, A.-L., Kraßnitzer, S., Tiehm, A., Brinkmann, M., Lehmann, G., Deutschmann, B., Hollert H. (2014) Identifikation von prioritären NSO-Heterozyklen auf Basis von neuen Felddaten und Toxizitäts-Tests. In: Symposium Strategien zur Boden- und Grundwassersanierung, DECHEMA, Darmstadt, 24.-25. November 2014, Tagungsband: 64-67 (2014)
- Brinkmann, M., Eichbaum, K., Buchinger, S., Reifferscheid, G., Bui, T., Schäffer, A., Hollert, H., Preuss, T.G. (2014) Physiologically based toxicokinetic models for in vitro-in vivo extrapolation of receptor-mediated effects in rainbow trout. Proceedings, SETAC North America Annual Meeting 2014, Vancouver, Canada.
- Brinkmann, M., Eichbaum, K., Buchinger, S., Reifferscheid, G., Bui, T., Schäffer, A., Hollert, H., Preuss, T.G. (2014) Physiologisch-basierte toxikokinetische Modelle zur In vitro-in vivo-Extrapolation Rezeptor-vermittelter Effekte in Fischen. Proceedings, SETAC GLB Jahrestagung 2014, Gießen, Germany.
- Eichbaum, K., Brinkmann, M., Buchinger, S., Reifferscheid, G., Nüsser, L., Hollert, H. (2014) Bioanalytische Untersuchung der Aufnahme sedimentbürtiger, dioxin-ähnlicher Substanzen in Rotaugen (Rutilus rutilus). Proceedings, SETAC GLB Jahrestagung 2014, Gießen, Germany.
- Brinkmann, M., Eichbaum, K., Buchinger, S., Reifferscheid, G., Bui, T., Schäffer, A., Hollert, H., Preuss, T.G. (2014) Physiologically based toxicokinetic models for in vitro-in vivo extrapolation of receptor-mediated effects in rainbow trout. Proceedings, 24th SETAC Europe Annual Meeting 2014, Basel, Switzerland.
- Brinkmann, M., Schiwy, S., Salowsky, H., Sagner, A., Tiehm, A., Hollert, H. (2013) Akute und Mechanismus-spezifische Toxizität von NSO-Heterozyklen. Treffen des DIN-Arbeitskreises “NSO Heterozyklen”, 05. November 2013, Universität Lüneburg.
- Hollert, H., Maletz, S., Brinkmann, M., Hecker, M. (2013) Experiences and recommendations for a sensitive in vitro assay for the assessment of estrogen receptor-binding substances in surface water. Workshop on Bioanalytical options for the monitoring of steroidal estrogens in surface water, 27th February 2013, Federal Institute of Hydrology, Koblenz, Germany.
- Stoffels, S., Brinkmann, M., Hudjetz, S., Freese, M., Pohlmann, J.-D., Kammann, U., Hanel, R., Hollert, H. (2012) Biomarker-basierte Untersuchung der Schadstoffbelastung des europäischen Aals in deutschen Flüssen. Wissenschaftliches Begleitprogramm zum DCF-Aal, 15.-16.10.2012, Thünen-Institut für Fischereiökologie, Hamburg, Germany.
- Brinkmann, M., Hudjetz, S., Kuckelkorn, J., Hennig, M., Cofalla, C., Roger, S., Kammann, U., Schüttrumpf, H., Hollert, H. (2012) Uptake and effects of particle-bound polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) from sediment suspensions in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss, Walbaum). Proceedings, SETAC German Language Branch Annual Meeting 2012, Leipzig, Germany. Invited speaker.
- Freese, M., Pohlmann, J.-D., Kammann, U., Sühring, R., Stoffels, S., Brinkmann, M., Wolschke, H., Möller, A., Ebinghaus, R., Hollert, H., Hanel, R. (2012) Schadstoffmonitoring zur Habitatbewertung des europäischen Aals – Ein wissenschaftliches Begleitprogramm zum Europäischen Datensammelprogramm (DCF). Proceedings, SETAC German Language Branch Annual Meeting 2012, Leipzig, Germany.
- Brinkmann, M. Hudjetz, S., Kuckelkorn, J., Hennig, M., Cofalla, C., Roger, S., Kammann, U., Hecker, M., Giesy, J., Schüttrumpf, H., Schäffer, A., Hollert, H. (2012) Can flood events affect rainbow trout? The biomarker-cascade after exposure to PAHs in sediment suspensions. Proceedings, 22nd SETAC Europe Annual Meeting 2012, Berlin, Germany.
- Eichbaum, K., Seiler, T.-B., Keiter, S., Winkens, K., Brinkmann, M., Umlauf, G., Stachel, B., Hollert, H. (2012) Dioxin-like activity of sediment samples from the Elbe River and soil samples from the Elbe associated flood area. Proceedings, 22nd SETAC Europe Annual Meeting 2012, Berlin, Germany.
- Hollert H. (2012), Brinkmann M., Hudjetz S., Eichbaum K., Kuckelkorn J., Cofalla C., Roger S., Kammann U., Giesy J., Schäffer A. , Hecker M., Lennartz G. , Haag I., Gerbersdorf S., Westrich B., Wölz J. , Schüttrumpf H.: Hochwasser – unterschätztes Risiko für die Erreichung des guten ökologischen Zustandes nach EU-Wasserrahmenrichtlinie, 42. Internationales Wasserbau Symposium Aachen (IWASA), January 12-13, Aachen, Germany.
- Hollert H. (2011), Brinkmann M., Hudjetz S., Eichbaum K., Kuckelkorn J., Cofalla C., Roger S., Kammann U., Schäffer A., Hecker M., Lennartz G., Schüttrumpf H., Wölz J.: Ecotoxicological impact of re-mobilized sediments and flood events for look regulated rivers and wetlands, 2. international workshop on ecofriendly use of wetlands in the "Three Gorges Reservoir", October 21, Chongqing, China
- Brinkmann, M., Hudjetz, S., Kuckelkorn, J., Hennig, M., Cofalla, C., Roger, S., Kammann, U., Schüttrumpf, H., Henner, H. (2011) Aufnahme und Effekte von partikelgebundenen polyzyklischen aromatischen Kohlenwasserstoffen (PAK) von dotierten Sedimentsuspensionen in Regenbogenforellen. Proceedings, SETAC German Language Branch Annual Meeting 2011, Landau, Germany.
- Brinkmann, M., Peddinghaus, S., Sagner, A., Tiehm, A., Hollert, H. (2011) Genotoxicity, embryotoxicity and dioxin-like activity of selected heterocyclic aromatic hydrocarbons typically found at taroil-contaminated sites. Proceedings, ISPAC 23, September 2011, Münster, Germany.
- Cofalla, C., Roger, S., Wölz, J., Hudjetz, S., Brinkmann, M., Hollert, H., Schüttrumpf, H. (2010) Floodsearch - Hydrotoxic Investigations of Contaminated Sediments in an Annular Flume, in: PIANC MMX book of abstracts: 32nd PIANC Congress, 125th Anniversary, Liverpool UK, 10-14 May 2010. PIANC, London, p. 264.
- Cofalla, C., Roger, S., Brinkmann, M., Hudjetz, S., Hollert, H., Schüttrumpf, H., (2010). Floodsearch - Hydrotoxic Investigations of Contaminated Sediments in an Annular Flume, in: PIANC MMX papers collection: 32nd PIANC Congress, 125th Anniversary, Liverpool UK, 10-14 May 2010. PIANC, London, pp. 1 -14.
- Cofalla, C., Roger, S., Brinkmann, M., Hudjetz, S., Hollert, H., Schüttrumpf, H., (2010). Floodsearch - Hydrotoxische Untersuchungen schadstoffbehafteter Sedimente im Kreisgerinne, in: XXXII. Internationaler Schifffahrtskongress : Liverpool (Großbritannien), 10.-14.Mai 2010; Deutsche Beiträge, Bonn 2010.- Bonn : Bundesministerium f. Verkehr, Bau u. Stadtentwicklung, 2010. Bundesministerium f. Verkehr, Bau u. Stadtentwicklung, Bonn, pp. 138 -149.
- Cofalla, C., Hudjetz, S., Roger, S., Brinkmann, M., Eisenbeis, P., Hollert, H., Schüttrumpf, H. (2011) Remobilization of particle-bound contaminants from re-suspended sediments and their impact on aquatic organisms. Proceedings, 7th International SedNet Conference, April 2011, Venice, Italy.
- Heger, S., Bluhm, K., Brinkmann, M., Winkens, K., Schneider, A., Wollenweber, M., Maletz, S., Wölz, J. Agler, M., Angenent, L., Seiler, T.-B., Hollert, H. (2011) What's up inside the reactor - biotests for risk assessment of biofuel fermentation. Proceedings, 2nd SETAC Europe YES-Meeting 2011, Aachen, Germany.
- Cofalla, C., Roger, S., Hudjetz, S., Brinkmann, M., Schüttrumpf, H., Hollert, H. (2010) Floodsearch - Hydrotoxic Investigations of Contaminated Sediment in an Annular flume. Proceedings, 32th PIANC Congress, Liverpool, United Kingdom, 11.-14.05.2010 ISBN: 978-2-87223-179-9.
- Brinkmann, M. Hudjetz, S., Cofalla, C., Roger, S., Kamman, U., Giesy, J., Hecker, M., Schüttrumpf, H., Wölz, J., Hollert, H. (2010) FLOODSEARCH Part B: A multiple biomarker approach to assess the toxicity of resuspended sediments during simulated flood events. Proceedings, 20th SETAC Europe Annual Meeting 2010, Seville, Spain.
- Brinkmann, M., Hudjetz, S., Wölz, J., Cofalla, C., Roger, S., Schüttrumpf, H., Hollert, H. (2009) Risikobewertung und Toxizität von Sedimenten und Schwebstoffen in Fließgewässern. Seminarreihe “Regionale Wasserwirtschaft in Theorie und Praxis” 2009, Trier, Germany.
- Cofalla, C., Brinkmann, M., Roger, S., Hudjetz, S., Kammann, U., Zhang, X., Giesy, J., Hecker, M., Wölz, J., Hollert, H., Schüttrumpf, H. (2010) Hydrotoxische Untersuchungen schadstoffbehafteter Sedimente im Kreisgerinne, Proceedings: 40. Internationales Wasserbau-Symposium Aachen, Aachen
- Brinkmann, M., Hudjetz, S., Cofalla, C., Roger, S., Kammann, U., Giesy, J., Hecker, M., Schüttrumpf, H., Wölz, J., Hollert, H. (2009) Searching for the (eco)toxicological relevance of sediment remobilisation and transport during flood events in rivers. Part B: CYP1A1, micronucleus test, gene expression analysis and PAH metabolites in bile. Proceedings, SETAC German Language Branch Annual Meeting 2009, Weihenstephan, Germany.
- Seiler, T.-B., Schulze, T., Streck G., Schwab, K., Zielke, H., Brinkmann, M., Bernecker, C., Brack, W., Braunbeck, T. & Hollert, H. (2008) Evaluation of the leaching power of passive membrane dialysis compared to conventional extraction procedures. Proceedings, 18th SETAC Europe Annual Meeting 2008, Warsaw, Poland.
Poster presentations
- Green, D., Janz, D., Liber, K., Hogan, N., Alcaraz, A.J., Lane, T., Bluhm, K., Brinkmann, M., Hecker, M. (2018) Predicting adverse outcomes of selenomethionine exposure to embryonic white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) using in-ovo microinjection. SETAC North America Annual Meeting, Sacramento, USA.
- Green, D., Janz, D., Liber, K., Brinkmann, M., Hecker, M. (2018) Cross-species compartmental modeling of selenium in fishes exposed to selenomethionine via ingestion. SETAC North America Annual Meeting, Sacramento, USA.
- Brinkmann, M., Freese, M., Pohlmann, J.-D., Doering, J., Damerau, M., Marohn, L., Hanel, R., Hecker, M. (2018) A combined PBTK and qAOP-modeling approach to assess the impact of DLC-induced embryotoxicity on recruitment failure in European eels. SETAC North America Annual Meeting, Sacramento, USA.
- Colville, C., Malala Irugal Bandaralage, S., Fuchylo, U., Alcaraz, A.J., Grimard, C., Wood, S., Brinkmann, M., Masse, A., Crump, D., Basu, N., Hogan, N., Hecker, M. (2018) Characterizing changes in molecular toxicity pathways to predict adverse outcomes of fluoxetine in adult fathead minnows. SETAC North America Annual Meeting, Sacramento, USA.
- Malala Irugal Bandaralage, S., Colville, C., Grimard, G., Alcaraz, A.J., Brinkmann, M., Masse, A. Crump, D., Basu, N., Hogan, N., Hecker, M. (2018) Characterizing changes in molecular toxicity pathways to Predict adverse outcomes of 17β-trenbolone in adult fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas). SETAC North America Annual Meeting, Sacramento, USA.
- Grimard, C., Mangold-Döring, A., Schmitz, M., Alharbi, H., Jones, P., Giesy, J., Brinkmann, M., Hecker, M. (2018) In vitro-in vivo and cross-life stage extrapolation of uptake and biotransformation of benzo[a]pyrene in the fathead minnow. SETAC North America Annual Meeting, Sacramento, USA.
- Mangold-Döring, A., Grimard, C., Green, D., Hogan, N., Weber, L., Hollert, H., Hecker, M., Brinkmann, M. (2018) Multi-Species Approach in Physiologically Based Toxicokinetic (PBTK) Modelling in Support of Ecological Risk Assessment. SETAC North America Annual Meeting, Sacramento, USA.
- Fuchylo, U., Brinkmann, M., Alharbi, H., Hecker, M. (2018) Inflammation of gill epithelia in fish causes increased permeation of polar organic chemicals via disruption of tight junctions SETAC North America Annual Meeting, Sacramento, USA.
- Brinkmann, M., Alharbi, H., Wiseman, S., Sura, S., Morandi, G., Peng, H., Giesy, J., Jones, P., Hecker, M. (2018) In vitro assessment of pH-dependent uptake and toxicity of ionizable organic chemicals in fish SETAC North America Annual Meeting, Sacramento, USA.
- Doering, J., Schroeder, A., Brinkmann, M., Currie, Z., Hecker, M. (2018) A quantitative AOP for activation of the Ah Receptor leading to early life stage mortality in amphibians and reptiles. SETAC North America Annual Meeting, Sacramento, USA.
- Maloney, E., Morrissey, C., Brinkmann, M., Peru, K., Headley, J., Liber, K. (2018) Composition and function of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in Chironomus dilutus exposed to neonicotinoid mixtures. SETAC North America Annual Meeting, Sacramento, USA.
- Baldwin, N., Brinkmann, M., Masse, A., Crump, D., Basu, N., Hecker, M., Hogan, N. (2018) Comparing apical responses and molecular toxicity pathways in two amphibian species following chronic exposure to ethinyl estradiol and chlorpyrifos. SETAC North America Annual Meeting, Sacramento, USA.
- Green, D., Janz, D., Liber, K., Hogan, N., Alcaraz, A.J., Lane, T., Raes, K., Bluhm, K., Brinkmann, M., Hecker, M. (2018) Selenomethionine induced molecular toxicity in the fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas). Canadian Ecotoxicity Workshop Meeting 2018, Vancouver, Canada.
- Green, D., Janz, D., Liber, K., Hogan, N., Alcaraz, A.J., Lane, T., Bluhm, K., Brinkmann, M., Hecker, M. (2018) Predicting adverse outcomes of selenomethionine exposure to embryonic white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) using in-ovo microinjection. Canadian Ecotoxicity Workshop Meeting 2018, Vancouver, Canada.
- Hogan, N., Baldwin, N., Alcaraz, A.J., Brinkmann, M., Masse, A., Crump, D., Basu, N., Hecker, M. (2018) Relating Molecular Toxicity Pathways to Apical Outcomes of Chronic Ethinyl Estradiol Exposure in Xenopus Laevis. Canadian Ecotoxicity Workshop Meeting 2018, Vancouver, Canada.
- Fuchylo, U., Bandaralage, S., Colville, C., Grimard, C., Alcaraz, A.J., Brinkmann, M., Masse, A., Crump, D., Basu, N., Hogan, N., Hecker, M. (2018) Effects of 17β-trenbolone on adult fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas). Canadian Ecotoxicity Workshop Meeting 2018, Vancouver, Canada.
- Bluhm, K., Alcaraz, A., Green, D., Lane, T., Brinkmann, M., Taghavimehr, J., Masse, A., Baldwin, N., Crump, D., Basu, N., Hogan, N., Hecker, M. (2018) Identification of toxicity pathways predicting adverse outcomes of chlorpyrifos in fathead minnows. SETAC Europe Annual Meeting 2018, Rome, Italy.
- Brinkmann, M., Freese, M., Pohlmann, J.D., Doering, J., Damerau, M., Marohn, L., Hanel, R., Hecker, M. (2018) A combined PBTK and qAOP-modeling approach to assess the impact of dioxin-like compound (DLC)-induced embryotoxicity on recruitment failure in European eels. SETAC Europe Annual Meeting 2018, Rome, Italy.
- Schmitz, M.T., Brinkmann, M., Apenova, N., Grimard, C., Alcaraz, A., Green, D., Bluhm, K., Lane, T., Baldwin, N., Taghavimehr, J., Masse, A., Crump, D., Basu, N., Hollert, H., Hogan, N., Hecker, M. (2018) Effects of water-borne benzo[a]pyrene on early-life stages of the fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas). SETAC Europe Annual Meeting 2018, Rome, Italy.
- Ouellet, J.D., Brinkmann, M., Gembé, C., Buchinger, S., Reifferscheid, G., Hollert, H. (2018) Using Correlations of Biological Toxicity Equivalent Quotients and Toxicity Equivalent Quotients to Derive Threshold Values for Dioxin-Like Compounds in Sediment. SETAC Europe Annual Meeting 2018, Rome, Italy.
- Schroeder, A., Doering, J.D., Brinkmann, M., Lucio, M., Stoeck, S., Currie, Z., Hecker, M. (2018) A quantitative AOP for activation of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor leading to early life stage mortality in amphibians and reptiles. SETAC Europe Annual Meeting 2018, Rome, Italy.
- Brinkmann, M., Freese, M., Pohlmann, J.D., Doering, J., Damerau, M., Marohn, L., Hanel, R., Hecker, M. (2017). A combined PBTK and qAOP-modeling approach to assess the impact of DLC-induced embryotoxicity on recruitment failure in endangered European eels. SETAC North America Annual Meeting 2017, Minneapolis, MN, USA.
- Doering, J., Brinkmann, M., Alcaraz, A.J., Giesy, J.P., Wiseman, S., Hecker, M. (2017) A Quantitative Adverse Outcome Pathway for Activation of the Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor Leading to Early Life Stage Mortality. SETAC North America Annual Meeting 2017, Minneapolis, MN, USA.
- Green, D., Janz, D., Liber, K., Hogan, N., Alcaraz, A.J., Lane, T., Bluhm, K., Brinkmann, M., Hecker, M. (2017) Adverse outcome pathways for selenomethionine exposure in four commercially and culturally relevant Canadian fish species. SETAC North America Annual Meeting 2017, Minneapolis, MN, USA.
- Bluhm, K., Alcaraz, A.J., Green, D., Lane, T., Brinkmann, M., Taghavimehr, J., Masse, A., Baldwin, N., Crump, D., Basu, N., Hogan, N., Hecker, M. (2017) Identification of toxicity pathways that can be used to predict adverse outcomes of chlorpyrifos in fathead minnows. SETAC North America Annual Meeting 2017, Minneapolis, MN, USA.
- Baldwin, N., Alcaraz, A.J., Green, D., Bluhm, K., Lane, T., Brinkmann, M., Taghavimehr, J., Masse, A., Crump, D., Basu, N., Hecker, M., Hogan, N. (2017) Characterizing early changes in molecular toxicity pathways to predict adverse outcomes of ethinyl estradiol and chlorpyrifos in amphibians. SETAC North America Annual Meeting 2017, Minneapolis, MN, USA.
- Brinkmann, M., Gill, N., Alcaraz, A.J., Green, D., Baldwin, N., Bluhm, K., Lane, T., Taghavimehr, J., Masse, A., Crump, D., Basu, N., Hecker, M., Hogan, N. (2017) Effects of water-borne benzo[a]pyrene on early-life stages of the fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas). SETAC North America Annual Meeting 2017, Minneapolis, MN, USA.
- Alcaraz, A.J., Brinkmann, M., Green, D., Baldwin, N., Bluhm, K., Lane, T., Taghavimehr, J., Masse, A., Crump, D., Basu, N., Hecker, M., Hogan, N. (2017) Toxicogenomic characterization of the effects of EE2 and FLX in fathead minnows: Identifying signature toxicity pathways to predict adverse outcomes. SETAC North America Annual Meeting 2017, Minneapolis, MN, USA.
- Bluhm, K., Alcaraz, A.J., Green, D., Lane, T., Brinkmann, M., Taghavimehr, J., Masse, A., Baldwin, N., Crump, D., Basu, N., Hogan, N., Hecker, M. (2017) Identification of toxicity pathways that can be used to predict adverse outcomes of chlorpyrifos in fathead minnows. Canadian Ecotoxicity Workshop 2017, Guelph, ON, Canada.
- Baldwin, N., Alcaraz, A.J., Green, D., Bluhm, K., Lane, T., Brinkmann, M., Taghavimehr, J., Masse, A., Crump, D., Basu, N., Hecker, M., Hogan, N. (2017) Characterizing early changes in molecular toxicity pathways to predict adverse outcomes of ethinyl estradiol and chlorpyrifos in amphibians. Canadian Ecotoxicity Workshop 2017, Guelph, ON, Canada.
- Alcaraz, A.J., Brinkmann, M., Green, D., Baldwin, N., Bluhm, K., Lane, T., Taghavimehr, J., Masse, A., Crump, D., Basu, N., Hecker, M., Hogan, N. (2017) Toxicogenomic characterization of the effects of EE2 and FLX in fathead minnows: Identifying signature toxicity pathways to predict adverse outcomes. Canadian Ecotoxicity Workshop 2017, Guelph, ON, Canada.
- Brinkmann, M., Gill, N., Alcaraz, A.J., Green, D., Baldwin, N., Bluhm, K., Lane, T., Taghavimehr, J., Masse, A., Crump, D., Basu, N., Hecker, M., Hogan, N. (2017) Effects of water-borne benzo[a]pyrene on early-life stages of the fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas). Canadian Ecotoxicity Workshop 2017, Guelph, ON, Canada.
- Brinkmann, M., Hecker, M. (2017) Novel approaches in toxicokinetic modeling to meet the challenges of chemical risk assessment in the 21st century. Canadian Ecotoxicity Workshop 2017, Guelph, ON, Canada.
- Brinkmann, M., Alharbi, H., Wiseman, S., Sura, S., Morandi, G., Peng, H., Giesy, J.P., Jones, P.D., Hecker, M. (2017) In vitro assessment of pH-dependent uptake and toxicity of ionizable organic chemicals in fish. Canadian Ecotoxicity Workshop 2017, Guelph, ON, Canada.
- Green, D., Janz, D., Liber, K., Hogan, N., Alcaraz, A.J., Lane, T., Bluhm, K., Brinkmann, M., Hecker, M. (2017) Adverse outcome pathways for selenomethionine exposure in four commercially and culturally relevant Canadian fish species. Canadian Ecotoxicity Workshop 2017, Guelph, ON, Canada.
- Brinkmann, M., Hecker, M. (2017) Novel approaches in toxicokinetic modeling to meet the challenges of chemical risk assessment in the 21st century. SETAC North America Prairie Northern Chapter Annual Meeting 2017, Saskatoon, SK, Canada.
- Alcaraz, A.J., Green, D., Bluhm, K., Lane, T., Brinkmann, M., Baldwin, N., Taghavimehr, J., Masse, A., Crump, D., Basu, N., Hogan, N., Hecker, M. (2017) Toxicogenomic characterization of EE2 and fluoxetine effects in fathead minnows: identifying signature toxicity pathways to predict adverse outcomes. SETAC North America Prairie Northern Chapter Annual Meeting 2017, Saskatoon, SK, Canada.
- Müller, A.-K., Brinkmann, M., Cofalla, C., Schüttrumpf, H., Hollert, H. (2016) Floodhydrotox – an interdisciplinary approach to assess the endocrine disrupting potential of sediments during flood events. Proceedings, SETAC GLB Annual Meeting 2016, Tübingen, Germany.
- Weichert, F., Brinkmann, M., Di Paolo, C., Floeter, C., Hollert, H., Meza, A., Kammann, U. (2016) Erfassung neurotoxischer Effekte in der Embryonalentwicklung von Danio rerio – Entwicklung und Validierung einer neuen Testmethode. Proceedings, SETAC GLB Annual Meeting 2016, Tübingen.
- Brinkmann, M., Schlechtriem, C., Reininghaus, M., Eichbaum, K., Buchinger, S., Reifferscheid, G., Hollert, H., Preuss, T.G. (2016) Cross-species extrapolation of uptake and disposition of neutral organic chemicals in fish using a multispecies physiologically-based toxicokinetic model. Proceedings, SETAC Europe Annual Meeting 2016, Nantes, France.
- Brinkmann, M., Eichbaum, K., Reininghaus, M., Koglin, S., Kammann, U., Baumann, L., Segner, H., Zennegg, M., Buchinger, S., Reifferscheid, G., Hollert, H. (2015) Zeit- und Konzentrationsabhängigkeit von Verfügbarkeit und Effekten dioxinähnlicher Schadstoffe in Regenbogenforellen (Oncorhynchus mykiss) während der Resuspension von Sedimenten. Proceedings, SETAC GLB Annual Meeting 2015, Zürich.
- Brinkmann, M., Eichbaum, K., Buchinger, S., Reifferscheid, G., Bui, T., Schäffer, A., Hollert, H., Preuss, T.G. (2015) Physiologisch basierte toxikokinetische Modelle zur In vitro-in vivo-Extrapolation Rezeptor-vermittelter Effekte in Fischen. Proceedings, SETAC GLB Annual Meeting 2015, Zürich.
- Nuesser, L., Steffens, S., Doering, R., Brinkmann, M., Seiler, T.-B., Cofalla, C., Salomons, E., Oliker, N., Schuettrumpf, H., Ostfeld, A., Hollert, H. (2015) Combined ecotoxicological and hydrological methods for online contamination event detection in water distribution systems. Proceedings, SETAC Europe Annual Meeting 2015, Barcelona, Spain.
- Steffens, S., Nuesser, L., Doering, R., Brinkmann, M., Seiler, T.-B., Cofalla, C., Salomons, E., Oliker, N., Schuettrumpf, H., Ostfeld, A., Hollert, H. (2015) Using a low cost pipetting robot to investigate the influence of the medium exchange frequency on the toxicity of substances in the fish embryo toxicity assay (FET). Proceedings, SETAC Europe Annual Meeting 2015, Barcelona, Spain.
- Brinkmann, M., Maletz, S., Krauss, M., Bluhm, K., Schiwy, S., Kuckelkorn, J., Tiehm, A., Brack, W., Hollert, H. (2014) Heterocyclic aromatic hydrocarbons show estrogenic activity upon metabolization in the ER CALUX assay. Proceedings, SETAC North America Annual Meeting 2014, Vancouver, Canada.
- Brinkmann, M., Maletz, S., Krauss, M., Bluhm, K., Schiwy, S., Kuckelkorn, J., Tiehm, A., Brack, W., Hollert, H. (2014) Estrogene Effekte von NSO-heterozyklischen Aromaten im ER CALUX mit der humanen Mammakarzinomzellinie T47Dluc. Proceedings, SETAC GLB Jahrestagung 2014, Gießen.
- Zimmer, M., Eichbaum, K., Brinkmann, M., Buchinger, S., Reifferscheid, G., Hollert, H. (2014) Desorption und Bioverfügbarkeit von polyzyklischen aromatischen Kohlenwasserstoffen aus natürlichen Sedimenten. Proceedings, SETAC GLB Jahrestagung 2014, Gießen.
- Müller, A.K., Brinkmann, M., Keiter, S., Kidd, K., Hollert, H. (2014) Genotoxicity of Mercury in Yellow Perch (Perca flavescens) from a Biological Hotspot in Nova Scotia, CanadaProceedings, 24th SETAC Europe Annual Meeting 2014, Basel, Switzerland.
- Zimmer, M., Eichbaum, K., Brinkmann, M., Hollert, H., Reifferscheid, G., Buchinger, S. (2014) Desorption and bioavailability of polychlorinated biphenyls, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and heterocyclic compounds present in natural sediments. Proceedings, 24th SETAC Europe Annual Meeting 2014, Basel, Switzerland.
- Schulze-Sylvester, M., Heimann, W., Maletz, S., Seiler, T.-B., Brinkmann, M., Schulz, R., Hollert, H. (2014) Ecotoxicological effects of contaminated sediments on fish: Are current risk assessment protocols sufficient? Proceedings, 24th SETAC Europe Annual Meeting 2014, Basel, Switzerland.
- Brinkmann M, Schiwy S, Bluhm K, Hinger G, Sagner A, Tiehm A, Eisenträger A, Hollert H. (2013) Mechanism-specific effects of selected heterocyclic PAHs typically found at taroil-contaminated sites. Proceedings, SETAC Europe 23rd Annual Meeting, 12-16 May, Glasgow, Scotland
- Brinkmann, M., Stoffels, S., Freese, M., Pohlmann, J.-D., Kammann, U., Hanel, R., Hollert, H. (2013) Biomarker investigation on the contaminant exposure of European Eel (Anguilla anguilla) in German rivers. Proceedings, SETAC Europe Annual Meeting 2013, Glasgow, Scotland.
- Brinkmann, M., Hudjetz, S., Herrmann, H., Kamman, U., Cofalla, C., Lorke, S., Schäffer, A., Hecker, M., Schüttrumpf, H., Hollert, H. (2013) Do flood events matter? Biomarker response of rainbow trout following exposure to re-suspended sediments in an annular flume. Proceedings, SETAC Europe Annual Meeting 2013, Glasgow, Scotland.
- Brinkmann, M., Hudjetz, S., Hennig, M.P., Cofalla, C., Lorke, S., Kammann, U., Hecker, M., Giesy, J.P., Schüttrumpf, H., Schäffer, A., Hollert, H. (2013) Can flood events affect rainbow trout? The biomarker-cascade after exposure to PAHs in sediment suspensions. Proceedings, SETAC Europe Annual Meeting 2013, Glasgow, Scotland.
- Stoffels, S., Brinkmann, M., Freese, M., Pohlmann, J.-D., Kammann, U., Hanel, R., Hollert, H. (2012) Untersuchung der Schadstoffexposition des europäischen Aals in deutschen Flüssen mit Biomarkern. Proceedings, SETAC German Language Branch Annual Meeting 2012, Leipzig, Germany.
- Herrmann, H., Hudjetz, S., Brinkmann, M., Schäffer, A., Hollert, H. Cofalla, C., Lorke, S., Schüttrumpf, H., Kammann, U. (2012) Turbulent. Trübe. Toxisch? Bioverfügbarkeit und Toxizität sedimentbürtiger Schadstoffe während der Remobilisierung in einem Kreisgerinne. SETAC German Language Branch Annual Meeting 2012, Leipzig, Germany.
- Hudjetz, S., Brinkmann, M., Cofalla, C., Roger, S., Kammann, U., Hecker, M., Schmidt, B., Schüttrumpf, H., Wölz, J., Hollert, H. (2011) A multiple biomarker approach to assess the toxicity of re-suspended sediments during simulated flood events – a feasibility study. Proceedings, 7th International SedNet Conference, April 2011, Venice Italy.
- Brinkmann, M., Hudjetz, S., Cofalla, C., Roger, S., Kammann, U., Schüttrumpf, H., Hollert, H. (2011) Uptake and effects of particle-bound polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) from spiked sediment suspensions in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss, Walbaum). Proceedings, 21th SETAC Europe Annual Meeting 2011, Milan, Italy.
- Lundström, E., Breitholtz, M., Brinkmann, M., Preuss, T.G. (2011) Modelling harpacticoid copepod populations; a comparison of matrix and individual based modelling. Proceedings, 21th SETAC Europe Annual Meeting 2011, Milan, Italy.
- Kuckelkorn, J., Brinkmann, M., Hudjetz, S., Cofalla, C., Roger, S., Buchinger, S., Reifferscheid, G., Erdinger, L., Zimmer, H., Schüttrumpf, H., Hollert, H. (2011) Assessing the toxicity of metals in suspended sediments with different biomarkers. Proceedings, 21th SETAC Europe Annual Meeting 2011, Milan, Italy.
- Heger, S., Bluhm, K., Brinkmann, M., Winkens, K., Schneider, A., Wollenweber, M., Maletz, S., Wölz, J. Agler, M., Angenent, L., Seiler, T.-B., Hollert, H. (2011) What's up inside the reactor - biotests for risk assessment of biofuel fermentation. Proceedings, 21th SETAC Europe Annual Meeting 2011, Milan, Italy.
- Gottselig, N., Bluhm, K., Brinkmann, M., Hudjetz, S., Peddinghaus, S., Schulze, M., Heimann, W., Schulz, R., Hollert, H. (2010) Mutagenic activity in sediments and fish samples of the quarry pond Karlskopf of River Rhine: linking effects from the laboratory to the field. Aquatic Toxicity Workshop, October 3-6 2010, Toronto, Canada.
- Kuckelkorn, J., Brinkmann, M., Hudjetz, S., Cofalla, C., Roger, S., Buchinger, S., Reifferscheid, G., Erdinger, L., Schüttrumpf, H., Hollert, H. (2010) Bewertung der Metalltoxizität in resuspendierten Sedimenten anhand der Quantifizierung von Metallothionein als Biomarker. Proceedings, SETAC German Language Branch Annual Meeting 2010, Dessau, Germany.
- Brinkmann, M., Hinger, G., Bluhm, K., Sagner, A., Takner, H., Eisenträger, A., Braunbeck, T., Engwall, M. Thiem, A., Hollert, H. (2010) Heterocyclic aromatic compounds are Ah receptor agonists in vitro. Proceedings, 20th SETAC Europe Annual Meeting 2010, Seville, Spain.
- Brinkmann, M., Hudjetz, S., Cofalla, C., Roger, S., Schüttrumpf, H., Hollert, H. (2010) The interdisciplinary project FLOODSEARCH II – Flood risk assessment between sediment dynamics, contamination and climate change. Proceedings, 20th SETAC Europe Annual Meeting 2010, Sevilee, Spain.
- Hudjetz, S., Brinkmann, M., Cofalla, C., Roger, S., Schmidt, B., Schäffer, A., Schüttrumpf, H., Hollert, H., Wölz, J. (2010) Searching for the (eco)toxicological relevance of sediment re-mobilisation and transport during flood events in rivers. Part A: instrumental chemical analysis and effect-directed analysis (EDA). Proceedings, 20th SETAC Europe Annual Meeting 2010, Seville, Spain.
- Heger, S., Bluhm, K., Brinkmann, M., Winkens, K., Schneider, A., Wollenweber, M., Maletz, S., Wölz, J. Agler, M., Angenent, L., Seiler, T.-B., Hollert, H. (2010) What's up inside the reactor - biotests for risk assessment of biofuel fermentation. Proceedings, 20th SETAC Europe Annual Meeting 2010, Seville, Spain.
- Brinkmann, M., Hudjetz, S., Cofalla, C., Roger, S., Kammann, U., Giesy, J., Hecker, M., Schüttrumpf, H., Wölz, J., Hollert, H. (2009) Searching for the (eco)toxicological relevance of sediment re-mobilisation and transport during flood events in rivers. Part B: CYP1A1 induction, micronuclei in blood cells and gene expression analysis. Proceedings, 19th SETAC Europe Annual Meeting 2009, Göteborg, Sweden.
- Hudjetz, S., Brinkmann, M., Cofalla, C., Roger, S., Schmidt, B., Schäffer, A., Schüttrumpf, H., Hollert, H., Wölz, J. (2009) Searching for the (eco)toxicological relevance of sediment re-mobilisation and transport during flood events in rivers. Part A: instrumental chemical analysis and effect-directed analysis (EDA). Proceedings, SETAC German Language Branch Annual Meeting 2009, Weihenstephan, Germany.
- Hudjetz, S., Brinkmann, M., Cofalla, C., Roger, S., Schmidt, B., Schäffer, A., Schüttrumpf, H., Hollert, H., Wölz, J. (2009) Searching for the (eco)toxicological relevance of sediment re-mobilisation and transport during flood events in rivers. Part A: instrumental chemical analysis and effect-directed analysis (EDA). Proceedings, 19th SETAC Europe Annual Meeting 2009, Göteborg, Sweden.
- Heger, S., Winkens, K., Schneider, A., Brinkmann, M., Wollenweber, M., Maletz, S., Wölz, J., Agler, M.T., Angenent, L.T., Seiler, T.-B., Hollert, H. (2009) Assessing the ecotoxicological effects of bioenergy extraction processes. Proceedings, SETAC German Language Branch Annual Meeting 2009, Weihenstephan, Germany.
- Winkens, K., Otte, J.C., Brinkmann, M., Zielke, H., Wölz, J., Seiler, T.-B., Hollert, H. (2009) Weiterentwicklung eines biologischen Testverfahrens zur Messung von Ah-Rezeptor-Agonisten in Danio rerio Fischeiern. Proceedings, SETAC German Language Branch Annual Meeting 2009, Weihenstephan, Germany.
- Zielke, H., Brinkmann, M., Ottermanns, R., Preuß, T.G., Roß-Nickoll, M., Schmidt, B., Ratte, H.-T., Schäffer, A., Seiler, T.-B., Holert, H. (2009) Das Studentenlabor „Faszination Umwelt“ – Universität und Industrie Hand in Hand für eine exzellente Ausbildung in der Ökotoxikologie. Proceedings, SETAC German Language Branch Annual Meeting 2009, Weihenstephan, Germany.
- Schneider, A.J., Brinkmann, M., Gerstner, A., Wölz, J., Heger, S., Weber, R., Bogdal, C., Engwall, M., Takasuga, T., Seiler, T.-B., Hollert, H. (2009) A combined strategy for detecting dioxin-like compounds in soils from former factories of chloralkali-electrolysis and leblanc-soda-production. Proceedings, 19th SETAC Europe Annual Meeting 2009, Göteborg, Sweden.
- Lundström, E., Brinkmann, M., Dahl, U., Ek, K., Björlenius, B., Wahlberg, C., Breitholtz, M (2009) Copepod population modeling as a tool for evaluating additional sewage water treatment techniques. Proceedings, 19th SETAC Europe Annual Meeting 2009, Göteborg, Sweden.
- Heger, S., Winkens, K., Schneider, A.J., Brinkmann, M., Maletz, S., Wölz, J., Agler, M.T., Angenent, L.T., Seiler, T.-B., Hollert, H. (2009) Assessing the ecotoxicological effects of bioenergy extraction processes. Proceedings, 19th SETAC Europe Annual Meeting 2009, Göteborg, Sweden.
- Otte, J. C., Brinkmann, M., Rocha, P. S., Faßbender, C., Higley, E. B., Wahrendorf, D.-S., Manz, W., Keiter, S., Giesy, J., Braunbeck, T., Hecker, M., & Hollert, H. (2008) Ah-Receptor mediated activities of contaminants in sediment samples from the Elbe River, Germany. Proceedings, 18th SETAC Europe Annual Meeting 2008, Warsaw, Poland.
Courses taught
- Co-instructor of ENVS 805, graduate level course in “Data Analysis and Management”, 2018
- Guest lectures in TOX 844, graduate level course in ‘Toxicology Techniques’, 2017
- Guest lecture in TOX 200, undergraduate level course, ‘Poisons and Pollutants’, 2018
- Guest lectures ‘Disruption of the Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Gonad (HPG) axis’ in TOX 402, undergraduate level course in ‘Systemic Toxicology’, 2016, 2017, and 2019
Media relations
- Official U of S press release: 'Prestigious Banting Fellowships bring two top researchers to U of S', October 2016 (Link)
- Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung: 'Gastforscher mit 23' regarding the career opportunities provided by the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme (UROP) at RWTH Aachen University, January 2015.
- University magazine RWTHinsight: 'Exzellente Forellen' regarding the early-career opportunities for Markus Brinkmann in context of the Excellence Initiative of the German Research Council (DFG), January 2011.
- Official RWTH Aachen university press release: 'Studierende des Instituts für Umweltforschung der RWTH organisieren internationale Umwelttagung in Aachen' regarding the second SETAC Europe Young Environmental Scientists (YES) Meeting in Aachen, Germany, January 2011.
- Article in the local newspaper Aachener Zeitung: 'Wissenschaft kann und soll Spaß machen' regarding the second SETAC Europe Young Environmental Scientists (YES) Meeting in Aachen, Germany, March 2011.
- University broadcasting station of RWTH Aachen University, live interview regarding the first Young Environmental Scientists (YES) Meeting in Landau, Germany, March 2009.