PROMPT processing pipeline: noao.obsutil.findgain FINDGAIN: center = mean, binwidth = 0.1 nclip = 3, lsigma = 4., usigma = 4. Flats = FLAT_Prompt5_06_13_08_113706_V_051 & FLAT_Prompt5_06_13_08_113706_V_060 Zeros = DARK_Prompt5_06_15_08_114980__001 & DARK_Prompt5_06_15_08_114980__020 Gain = 1.36 electrons per ADU Read noise = 9.39 electrons From Joshua Haislip: Readnoise: 6.6 ADU (9.2 e-) Gain: 1.4 e-/ADU calibration ----------- imstat images to make sure there's nothing unusual Make the following list files: biaslist - list of bias images zerolist - list of images to be bias corrected (dark, flat and object images) darklist - list of dark image files undarklist - list of images to be dark corrected (flat and object images) flatVlist - list of Vflat field images flatIlist - list of Iflat field images objVlist - list of V object images to be flat field corrected objIlist - list of I object images to be flat field corrected Then run