RV IRAF NOTES package: noao.rv main routine: fxcor set header keywords with epar keywpars add vhelio,etc to header in template with rvcorrect view multiple spectra with specplot convert ascii (lambda, flux) model spectra to fits using rspectext (in noao.onedspec)(set dispersion type to interp) with model spectra, correct after cross correlation using rvcorrect noao.onedspec also contains continuum for continuum subtraction From Dave Balam: - use hselect to make a list of files with header info - DAO bias strip 1:100 (y) - specplot, p 28 for field illumination Calibration steps: - rfits change data to ushort: needs inlist (fits_fil) and outlist (iraf_fil), IRAF data type = ushort, header cards = yes, short header = no - imstat @biasout to check rfits results - hedit : delete DATASEC for DAO data - it's wrong - delete rather than edit - zerocombine: readnoise=11 (findgain can get this from 2 flats (long and short) and 2 biases) - ccdproc: overscan=yes, trim=yes, zerocor=yes (use implot e and e to get biassec=[1030:1040,1:100] ([cols,lines]) and trim=[1:1024,20:80]), ccdproc to overscan, trim and zerocor - flatcombine TUNGSTEN FLATS, readnoise=11, gain=4 This is the response, a "normalized flat" will be produced, set calibrat = masterflat.fits, normaliz = masterflat.fits, response = Nmasterflat.fits order:^: O fit i f tungsten master flat is Nmasterflat.fits - SKY FLATS: use rfits, hedit, combine as above, this is the "illumination flat", sky master flat is masterflat.fits - with the 2 flats made, calibrate (flat divide with ccdproc) all objects and arcs - cosmic ray removal: task lacos_spec.cl - calibrate to wavelength: apall - continuum: s and s -> f (fit) -scopy to copy windowed spectra (get rid of edges) -ascii tools: wspectext - splot notes: k (1st mark) line fit -> letter for function, e.g. g Gaussian (2nd mark) j interpolate - > r (replot) -> c (replot) -> i (to save) to get SNR, measure mean of continnum: mark m and m, stats are given ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PROCEDURE TO USE A MODEL SPECTRA Continuum subtract model spectra using continuum. Or get normalized spectra: http://archives.pd.astro.it/2500-10500/SPECTRA/R20/LAMBDA_R20.DAT (for wavelengths) http://archives.pd.astro.it/2500-10500/SPECTRA/R20/NORM/T_24000/T24000G30M05V000K2SODNVR20N.ASC.gz (for that specific spectrum - hi res) gedit prervcorr.sh with correct RA and Dec (also check file name template) Run script prervcorr.sh > rvin1.txt (this extracts header info for rvcorrect input) run ccd (12) to produce rvin2.txt with UTs at midexposure Run fxcor, output to XXXvrel.txt (output = XXXvrel) Run fields XXXvrel.txt 12 > XXXfields.txt ccd (10), file1=rvin2.txt, file2=XXXfields.txt, outfile=XXXrvin3.txt, cols1=7, cols2=1 Run rvcorrect > XXXrvout.txt (files = XXXrvin3.txt, header = yes, input = no) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I R A F Image Reduction and Analysis Facility PACKAGE = astutil TASK = setjd images = @listspec Images (observa= dao sso) Observatory of observation (date = date-obs) Date of observation keyword (time = UT UTSTART) Time of observation keyword (exposur= ITIME TIME_INT) Exposure time keyword (ra = RA MEANRA) Right ascension (hours) keyword (dec = DEC MEANDEC) Declination (degrees) keyword (epoch = equinox) Epoch (years) keyword (jd = jd) Output Julian date keyword (hjd = hjd) Output Helocentric Julian date keyword (ljd = ljd) Output local Julian date keyword (utdate = yes) Is observation date UT? (uttime = yes) Is observation time UT? (listonl= no) List only without modifying images? (mode = ql) Note: 1st keyword: DAO 2nd keyword: SSO I R A F Image Reduction and Analysis Facility PACKAGE = rv TASK = keywpars (ra = RA) Right Ascension keyword (dec = DEC) Declination keyword (ut = UT) UT of observation keyword (utmiddl= UTMIDDLE) UT of mid-point of observation keyword (exptime= ITIME) Exposure time keyword (epoch = EQUINOX) Epoch of observation keyword (date_ob= DATE-OBS) Date of observation keyword (hjd = HJD) Heliocentric Julian date keyword (mjd_obs= MJD-OBS) Modified Julian Date of observation keyword (vobs = VOBS) Observed velocity keyword (vrel = VREL) Relative velocity keyword (vhelio = VHELIO) Heliocentric velocity keyword (vlsr = VLSR) LSR velocity keyword (vsun = VSUN) Epoch of solar motion keyword (mode = ql)