If you see any opportunities to make use of the lab facilities below and related expertise, please contact Dr. Daniel Chen at xbc719@mail.usask.ca
ElastoSens Bio (Rheolution, Canada)
(https://rheolution.com/products/elastosens-bio/instrument/) The ElastoSens Bio is a compact analytical benchtop instrument that precisely characterizes the viscoelasticity of soft materials in real time, without contact and in a non-destructive way. Samples are contained into removable sample holders that can be disconneted, stored out of the instrument, such as in an incubator, and re-connected for re-testing over long periods of time. This lab contains regular sample holders and membrane sample holders.
Electroforce BioDynamic 5110 Test Instruments (TA Instruments)
This instrument provides a closed environment for tissue evaluation with axial loading. Each chamber has multiple ports that can be used as flow inlets/outlets, to fill/drain the chamber, and to insert pressure sensors or other customer-supplied sensors. The 5110 also includes a torsional mover to twist samples. The instrument is rated to provide 200 N of mechanical force for compressive loading.
BioDynamic Test Instrument (Bose)
This instrument is for the characterization of biomaterials, native tissues, and tissue scaffolds in a biological environment. This instrument consists of a loading cell, a test chamber, transducers for force and displacement measurements, and computer software for data acquisition. This instrument possesses key features (1) precisely load specimens with very low forces (up to 20 N) and (2) provide a variety of biological conditions, as desired, in the test chamber, which is a powerful tool for the simulation of in vivo biological environments. (Awarded by NSERC)